Chapter 37 - 38

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Chapter 37 Traveling through time and space

It wasn't that the bone-eating well was too strong or that the power of the fox fire was too low, but that Tomoe was blocked by Ryugen Ishida.

"What are you doing?"

Tomoe yelled at Ishida Ryugen with an angry face. Natsume was already very distressed when he was about to be washed into the well. Now Ishida Ryugen has come to make trouble again. If Tomoe can do it now Come, I will kill him without mercy!

Ba Wei, who was confused by the sudden accident, completely forgot about his previous guesses and the fact that Natsume would not be in danger if he was sucked into the well.

"If this well is damaged, Natsume will never get the answer he wants."

Ishida Ryugen said to Tomoe indifferently.

They all also care about Natsume, but Ryugen Ishida is obviously much calmer than Tomoe who has made a contract with Natsume.

Even though Tomoe is who knows how much older than Ryugen Ishida, there are some things that cannot be expressed by simple age, especially the relationship between Tomoe and Natsume is so special, and it is indeed normal to lose calm.

"Who cares about the answer? Xiaozhi is almost dead now!"

Ba Wei was so angry that Ishida Ryuxian was going crazy. The fox fire gathered in his hand again, ready to hit the bone eating well again, and at the same time, he said Ri did not forget to threaten Ishida Ryugen:

"If you stop me again, I will throw fox fire on your head!"

Ishida Ryugen is naturally not afraid of the threat of Ba Wei, his fighting power is much stronger than Ba ​​Wei Well, if it weren't for the fact that there was Natsume in the middle, Ryugen Ishida would have already shown the monsters who dared to threaten him why the flowers are so red!

The bone-eating well is still intact. This time, it's not Ryugen Ishida who's blocking it, but Natsume.

"Stop, Tomoe."

Natsume's voice was a little distorted because she was sucked into the whirlwind.

"I'm going to destroy this well!"

Ba Wei responded to Natsume unwillingly, but as he said that, he stopped the attack with his hands.

"The bone-eating well cannot be destroyed. I can feel that the answer I want is on the other side of the well, so you both let go, Tomoe, Ryusen." Natsume said to Tomoe and Ishida Ryugen, he

felt The suction force is getting stronger and stronger, as if there is more and more urgency there.

Natsume alone can no longer resist the suction force. As long as Tomoe and Ishida Ryugen let go, Natsume may be sucked into the bone well immediately.


Natsume's voice was calm, but Tomoe was very anxious:

"No one knows what's over the well. It seems that Ryugen Ishida and I are in trouble, so you better not take risks!"

For Tomoe, , the answer to any question is not as important as Natsume's safety.

Tomoe, who had always been obedient, had a rare moment of persistence: "

Even if you punish me later, I will never let you go today!"

Tomoe had also thought about asking Natsume to find the answer before. That's because he didn't know the way Natsume was going to leave. Only when he faced it did he realize that there was no way he could make Natsume disappear under his eyes!

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