Chapter 9 - 10

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Chapter 9 Seal

Since he couldn't remember it, Natsume no longer troubled his brain. Anyway, for him, what was more important was his future life.

After separating from Higurashi Kagome, Natsume bought a bento and went home again. While eating the bento, Natsume thought that she should find someone to cook for her, otherwise eating bento every day would not be a problem. !

However, he attaches great importance to his privacy, and ordinary people would not let him in at all.

"Forget it, let's just take it one step at a time."

Natsume said to himself, planning to consider his own eating issue after a while. Although Natsume can cook, he really doesn't like to go into the kitchen!

After eating, Natsume went into the basement and started his exercise today.

Yes, the basement. Natsume later discovered that the house Ishida Ryugen gave him not only had two floors above ground, but also one underground. I don’t know what Ryugen Ishida originally planned to use the basement for. Anyway, when Natsume came here, it had changed. It has become his training room.

"... 498,499,500!"

After silently counting the planned number, Natsume's arms could no longer support the weight of his body. He tilted his body and fell to the ground, gasping for air, and his sweat rushed to the ground. It was hot outside, and there was a pool of water stains on the ground.

"The plasticity of this body is still very strong. In just three days, my legs became weak after running less than 100 meters, and now I can do 500 push-ups at one breath." Of course, that's what Natsume said

. But he was not satisfied with this. After all, he did do 500 push-ups, but after finishing, he was so tired that he couldn't even move his fingers. Compared with his previous body, it was so different!

The reason why Natsume's body was so weak in the past was that, firstly, he could not use the spiritual power in his body at all, and secondly, he had no awareness of training at all, so a body with such great potential was ruined by him.

"But I'm afraid this kind of simple training will only last for another week or two. At that time, you will have to rely on equipment to practice, but fitness equipment is not cheap!" Thinking of this, Natsume had a headache, although he had a rich

man Guardian, but he never planned to really rely on him until he became an adult. After all, Natsume was not a real ten-year-old child, and his self-esteem did not allow him to do so.

"It seems that the top priority is not only to make my body stronger, but also to find ways to make money. If those guys know that one day I will have a headache because of money, I will definitely be laughed at to death!" The feeling in my heart quickly rose

. The nostalgia was suppressed, and Natsume told herself that now she was Natsume Takashi, and let all the things that happened in the past be gone with the wind!

It's not that Natsume is cold-hearted, but that he understands very well that he can't go back no matter what, and can only continue to live as Natsume Takashi.

After resting for a while, Natsume started punching, kicking, and running fast again... He was like a machine that tirelessly trained with high intensity. The lack of strength made Natsume feel very insecure. He didn't want to go through what he had just been reborn into again. He feels so helpless in this world. Only when life is in his own hands can he live a secure life.


days passed in a flash, and Natsume also ushered in her first weekend after going to school. After rejecting Higurashi Kagome’s invitation to play at her house, early on Saturday morning, after Natsume finished washing, she put on her clothes The sportswear ran towards the mountains not far from home.

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