Chapter 233 - 234

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Chapter 233 Relatives

"You still figured it out, Ryusen."

Natsume sighed, not that surprised. After all, for the Quincy Ishida Ryusen, the Shinigami is an enemy as good as the Hollow, and it is natural to be able to feel the enemy's aura. Very simple thing.

"But your aura is a bit strange. It seems that in addition to the god of death, there is also a trace of empty spiritual pressure."

This is what really surprised Ishida Ryugen, or rather frowned.

It hadn't been that long since the last time he saw Natsume, but Ishida Ryuusen remembered clearly that the last time Natsume's body was still pure spiritual power, it had nothing to do with the Shinigami and Hollows.

In less than a month, Natsume inexplicably got connected with both of them. Ishida Ryugen is not an ordinary person, so he knows much more about Arrancar and Mask than the average Shinigami. , so after noticing Natsume's strange aura, he felt that Natsume was probably not just a Shinigami or a Hollow, but rather a Persona or an Arrancar.

But is it possible? Can a human become a Persona or an Arrancar? Thinking of the situation of Kurosaki Isshin's son Kurosaki Ichigo, it would be strange for Ishida Ryugen not to frown.

But there is still a process for Kurosaki Ichigo to become an acting Shinigami. He only gained the Shinigami ability after coming into contact with the real Shinigami Rukia Kuchiki. But what about Natsume? For his ward, Ishida Ryuuxian is usually very concerned about it, but he has never found that he has come into contact with any Shinigami, but Xu has had a few times.

No, it’s not like there was no contact at all. One time he was almost killed by Hollow, and it seemed that he was saved by a captain and vice-captain from Soul Society. He was then sent to Urahara Kisuke, but that was a long time ago. That's it. After that, there was nothing unusual about Natsume. Why did his aura change now?

"So you are more concerned about this matter?"

Natsume was surprised by Ishida Ryugen's words this time:

"Originally, I thought you would dislike me when you realized that I had the power of death!"

Natsume He said half-jokingly.

"I have never liked you."

Ishida Ryugen took a puff of cigarette and glanced at Natsume with a half-smile:

"Are you too pretentious?"

Natsume shrugged, but was not moved by Ishida Ryugen's words. It's hurt, and getting Ishida Ryugen to say nice words may be even harder than getting Sesshomaru to say love words. After all, Sesshomaru is just a tsundere, while Ishida Ryugen is a man who has a dark belly and even hides his emotions in front of his own son. , how could he easily reveal his true emotions in front of him?

"A few days ago, I was plotted and accidentally fell into the Soul Society. By chance, I became a Shinigami. Then I went to Hueco Mundo due to an accident and gained the power of Hueco Mundo again. That's it." Years of life have been ruined by Xia.

Me summed it up in just a few sentences, and Ishida Ryusei didn't ask any more questions, even though he knew that the real situation was definitely countless times more thrilling than what Natsume said.

Even if you have not personally experienced Ishida Ryugen, you know that not all accidents can make people run to other worlds casually, because even if you use special methods to forcefully break through the two worlds, it will be difficult, let alone because of accidents.

But since Natsume said it in such an understatement, Ishida Ryugen just thought it was just a trivial matter. After all, Natsume is not a child. Compared with his biological son who is already in high school, Natsume Ishida Ryugen is younger than him. They are always treated as peers.

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