Chapter 39 - 40

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Chapter 39 Timely Rescue


Ba Wei spat out a mouthful of blood again. Unfortunately, there was too much blood on his face and body, making this mere mouthful of blood insignificant.

Some of the blood was his own, and some was that of the onmyojis across from him.

Seeing Tomoe vomiting blood, the Onmyoji, whose morale was a little low because several of their companions died, suddenly cheered up - "Come on,

this demon fox is dying!"

"Keep working hard and avenge those who died! "

As long as we kill him, the Emperor will definitely reward us with many things!" "


Everyone shouted, and the offensive became more fierce.

All the onmyojis present knew that because of the nine-tailed fox Tamamo, their emperor hated monsters, especially fox monsters. As long as they took back the body of this powerful monster fox in front of them, they would definitely be rewarded!

Although the Onmyoji appear to be sacred and inviolable in front of ordinary people, in fact they also have seven emotions and six desires, and their desire for power and wealth is 100% greater than that of ordinary people!

Because they have tasted or seen the benefits, they become more greedy.

Just like at this moment, it is clear that none of them have seen or heard of this demon fox killing a human being. Just because of his identity as a demon fox, they must kill them all for their own prosperity. Contribute!

Feeling that the Onmyoji's offensive was getting stronger, Ba Wei, who was pale due to excessive blood loss, showed no trace of fear, but the hatred and killing intent in his eyes became substantial: "Want to kill me? Okay,

Let’s see who kills whom today

!” The knife in Ba Wei’s hand danced quickly, and the glistening blade lightly slid across the neck of an Onmyoji. With a miserable howl, a huge head fell to the ground. .

However, although Ba Wei killed an onmyoji again, there were actually too many onmyojis who came to surround him this time. While he was attacking the dead onmyoji, several more attacks hit him!


Ba Wei let out a muffled groan, and more blood flowed from the corners of his mouth and body. However, the blood did not seem to flow from his body at all. His hands kept moving, either with a knife or a fox fire. , and a few minutes later, several more lives ended in his hands.

Ba Wei doesn't want to admit defeat, he doesn't want to die, and he doesn't want to die at the hands of these despicable humans. Unfortunately, he is alone. No matter how powerful he is, Onmyoji has an innate ability to restrain monsters. There were too many Onmyoji, and gradually, Ba Wei's movements became more and more sluggish.

At this time, there are still about ten Onmyojis surrounding Ba Wei!

There were dozens of corpses of onmyojis lying on the ground. The corpses of the onmyojis killed by the demon fox were obviously not in good shape. However, the remaining onmyojis had long been carried away by their own desires. Instead of being afraid, they were stimulated. Their eyes turned red.

At this time, everyone can see that Ba Wei is at the end of his strength and victory is right in front of him!

Here, Ba Wei's movements became slower and slower. His groggy brain caused him to stumble suddenly. Immediately, an Onmyoji saw this flaw and directed his shikigami at Ba Wei's legs. A hard blow.

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