Chapter 33 - 34

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Chapter 33: Getting ready to leave

As everyone knows, Ba Wei is really miserable this time.

Of course, there will indeed be a day in the future when he will feel uncomfortable or even painful!

"Is it the same situation as when I was sealed?"

Ba Wei asked with some difficulty. Now he was very afraid that Natsume would give him a positive answer, but the anxiety in his heart made him have to put this aside. Questions asked exit.

Fortunately, Natsume didn't embarrass him, and simply shook his head:

"Although it feels similar, it's different from your time."


Ba Wei secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then he felt that even his forehead had Qin is sweating!

Fortunately, fortunately, Natsume is still alone!

However, as soon as Tomoe breathed out, Natsume's words over there made his heart skip a beat.

"I don't want to be troubled by that dream all the time, so I went to see exactly what was going on."

Natsume's tone was too serious, and there was no way for Tomoe to take it easy, so he immediately said:

"I'll go with you Go."

Maybe he will encounter any danger, so Tomoe thinks that he must protect Natsume's safety. After all, Natsume's current combat effectiveness is still very weak.

"No, I can do it alone."

What Ba Wei didn't expect was that Natsume shook his head and rejected him without any consideration.


Ba Wei was a little hurt:

"Is it because I was injured last time?"

Ba Wei's expression immediately became anxious:

"Actually, I am very strong and I will definitely be able to help you!"

Although he said that every day Tomoe was willing to help Natsume clean the house, but from his own heart, what he wanted more was to be able to help Natsume during the battle. This was his dignity as a demon fox!

"It's not that I don't believe in your strength."

Seeing that Tomoe had misunderstood, Natsume explained.

"What's the reason for that?"

Ba Wei is not a person who is easy to fool, no, a monster that is easy to fool, so he immediately asked.

"Although I don't know who the other party is and why it called me, I can feel the kindness and kindness of the unknown creature towards me, so just like you did, the other party will not attack me and I will not be in danger. "

Natsume felt that he had heard the explanation clearly, but unfortunately Ba Wei still did not give up his intention to follow: "This is just

your feeling. Who knows if any accidents will happen? So it is safer to take me with you, right? ?"

As he said that, Ba Wei suddenly thought of some possibility, and his face turned slightly pale:

"Or is there any reason why I don't follow him?"

- Could it be that Natsume still has something to hide from him?


At this point, looking at Ba Wei's hurt eyes, Natsume hesitated for a moment before telling the truth: "It's not that it's inconvenient or that I want to hide something from you,

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