Chapter 263 - 264

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Chapter 263: A messy combination

Of course, these words were just a joke. After the wry smile, everyone became familiar with each other. After introducing each other, they were considered acquaintances.

After all, Mouri Kogoro and Hattori Heiji wanted to help Kasuu, and Natsume met Kasuu and Takamine Kiyoma's friends. In addition, none of them were hypocritical, so they quickly developed some friendship.

"Kudo, is that your smart friend Natsume Takashi?"

After finding a store to buy clothes and changing into them, Hattori Heiji pulled Conan aside and asked in a low voice.


Conan nodded:

"Although Natsume doesn't seem to like solving cases very much, but occasionally when he encounters a case, he is always keen to find clues before me." Conan admired this very much

. .


Hattori Heiji touched his chin and looked at Natsume with a little more passion and fighting spirit in his eyes. He wanted to be the most powerful detective, but Kudo Shinichi, who was now slightly better than him, actually thought he was not as good as him. Another boy younger than them, Hattori Heiji, was naturally unconvinced.

You must know that it was precisely because he was not convinced that his fame was not as good as Kudo Shinichi's that he went to Tokyo alone to compete with Kudo Shinichi, and then so many things happened.

Facts are more important than anything, and evidence must speak for itself, right?

"I really hope that I will encounter something today, and then I can see the skills of someone who even Kudo and you admire."

Hattori Heiji said eagerly.

"Can you think of something better?"

Conan was so angry that Hattori Heiji, who was worried about the world being in chaos, glanced at him. Although he also likes to solve cases, he doesn't want them to happen, because the occurrence of a case means there are victims.

It's fine for theft and robbery, but what if it's a murder? That requires four people!

Hattori Heiji's fighting spirit was dampened by Conan's words. Looking at Conan who looked like a brat, Hattori Heiji suddenly wanted to see him confused. After rolling his eyes, Hattori Heiji had an idea in his mind. .

"To take a step back, if that boy Natsume is really as powerful as you say, he has been in contact with you many times since you were young, right? Have you solved the case in front of him? "

Hattori Heiji originally just wanted to break Conan's calm expression, but the more he talked about it, he was frightened by the thoughts in his mind: "Since I could detect that you were the first time I saw you

, Kudo Shinichi, what about Natsume? With his intelligence, will he not be able to discover anything? Is

your secret really still a secret to him?"

Hattori Heiji knew how much Conan valued his secrets and how much he didn't want to let others know. Be aware of the fact that you are becoming smaller, because that can bring great danger to those who know.

If he hadn't noticed something strange from the tiny clues, Conan would never have told him anything.

Now, another person may know his secret, and Hattori Heiji is worried about Conan.

"Have you discovered it yet?"

Conan was stunned for a moment, and then, to Hattori Heiji's surprise, a wry smile appeared on his face: "Actually, I do

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