Chapter 161 - 162

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Chapter 161 The police are coming

——This boy's hands... are very warm.

Even after Natsume's hand was removed, Dio still seemed to have a warm feeling on his head.

Dio had always thought that only Xiao Hui among humans would give him a warm feeling, but he never expected that this boy named Natsume Takashi, who was so cruel to his enemies and the owner of other monster books, would give him the same feeling. .

How strange!

While feeling strange in his heart, Dio's hostility towards Natsume completely disappeared without realizing it -

such a warm-hearted boy will never be a bad person!

Dio said to himself.

Of course, Natsume also noticed the change in Dio's mood. Although he didn't show it on his face, he was shaking his head secretly in his heart. He was obviously very powerful but so simple. He was shaken even after giving him a little favor.

Is it really okay for such a child to become a devil in the future?

Natsume actually didn't know that Dio finally lifted his hostility towards him, not only because he saved himself and Daomei, but also because he touched her head in the end.

Of course, it didn't matter to Natsume whether he knew about it or not. Originally, whether Dior and Daomei had a good impression of him was not something Natsume paid much attention to. The reason why he came to save these two girls was just out of morality.

Umi Megumi had already changed her mind about Natsume, and she had never been betrayed or hurt by anyone, so after Natsume and Natori came to save her on Monday, she had already developed a crush on them.

This good impression has nothing to do with love, it is just gratitude and liking for one's benefactor. As for whether this feeling will deteriorate in the future, only God knows.

Afterwards, even if Natsume's actions were a little cruel, and even if Natori's abilities were a little weird, they couldn't change the fact that Umi had a crush on the two of them.

Natori Monday was Umi Megumi's idol, but now her admiration for him is a little deeper, and for Natsume, it's more of a love among peers.

"Natsume, what is your partner like? What color is his book?"

Daomei asked Natsume curiously.

Looking at the excited Mi Megumi, Natsume suddenly understood why she became one of the owners of the book.

She had just experienced such a thrilling thing, and for a while she acted as if nothing had happened. Even if she was pretending, her mental quality was indeed a bit too strong.

Indeed, those with poor psychological quality may not be able to survive a battle, and are indeed not suitable to be book owners.

This was what he was thinking, but Natsume did not say it out loud. Instead, he took a long step and came to the front of Umi Megumi: "Instead of caring about

Sesshomaru, you should worry about your own wounds. Dio is a monster, but you are not. If the wound is not bandaged and treated in time, it will get worse."

"But Dio's injury is much more serious than mine, Natsume, you'd better check on her first."

Maybe it was because they had just experienced a battle together, Daomi Hui had already felt it in her heart He regarded Natsume as a friend, and his address to him became a little more intimate without realizing it. He omitted the honorifics and directly addressed him by his last name.

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