Chapter 99 - 100

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Chapter 99 Meeting again

No wonder the girl was suspicious. Although she also knew that Higurashi Kagome and Natsume were very close, her relationship with them was not bad at all!

It makes no sense that she didn't tell herself and others that she was sick, but she only told Natsume!

"I went to Higurashi Shrine for something yesterday and found out."

Natsume explained calmly.

Yesterday, Natsume did go to Higurashi Shrine. As for whether he saw Higurashi Kagome, only Natsume himself knew.

"Is Kagome already feeling unwell yesterday?"

The girls did not doubt Natsume's words. Firstly, Natsume felt very upright and steady, and secondly, the girls felt that Natsume had no reason to lie at all.

After all, even if Higurashi Kagome really skipped class, it was the teacher and the school who should have deceived her, not her friends.

"What disease does Kagome have? Is she at home or in the hospital now?"

Now that they believed Natsume's words, several girls went from doubts at the beginning to worry now. Kagome has always been in good health and rarely gets sick, but now she is so sick. You can't even come to school. It must be a very serious condition, right?

Isn’t it easy to fool a few little girls with Natsume’s IQ? A few words made the three girls temporarily feel at ease, and gave up their plans to visit Higurashi Kagome.

Because Natsume said that Higurashi Kagome has an infectious disease and cannot meet strangers!

After the three girls left, Natsume calmly sent a message to Higurashi Kagome so that her lies would not be exposed when she met several of her friends in the future.

Although Kagome Higurashi may not be able to use her mobile phone now due to the impact of time and space, don't forget that she will be back soon, and she will naturally see the message then.

The day's classes ended quickly. After school, Natsume skipped all her work again, put on her schoolbag and headed home.

When Natsume goes home, she will pass by a small river. Next to the river is a large grassland, where people of all ages often walk or play.

There was someone on the grass today, but it was someone Natsume had never expected at all. A young man wearing a strange white cloak and behaving very strangely!


Ishida was sweating like rain. Although there were no obvious scars on his body, his physical and spiritual power were on the verge of reaching their limits and he could no longer hold on for much longer.

Ishida Uryu gasped heavily, but he couldn't even raise his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead. It wasn't that he didn't even have the strength to raise his hand, but that the Hollow opposite him didn't give him a chance at all!

Ishida Uryu is not a person who likes to blame others, but at this moment, he regrets his previous behavior. He should not have used bait to summon this strange but powerful Hollow in front of him in order to exercise his combat ability. !

You won’t explain yourself here today, right?

Ishida Uryū, who felt that he had reached the end of his life, was thinking of his father, Ishida Ryūgen, who had never cared about him, instead of his grandfather who had taken care of him when he was young and gave him various Quincy abilities. The cold-blooded man who took care of himself!

——I don’t know if he had no reaction at all when he got the news of his death, or if he sneered first and then laughed at his own overestimation?

Yes, that man not only dislikes himself, but also dislikes the profession of Quincy. Even if he dies, he will definitely not be sad!

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