Chapter 93 - 94

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Chapter 93: Letting go

"Why are you here, Tomoe?"

"Why are you back, Xiaozhi!"

Natsume and Tomoe spoke at the same time, but unfortunately the words they said were completely different.

The reason why Natsume was surprised when he saw Tomoe was that he had been going to and from Higurashi Shrine alone for a long time. Because Natsume had grasped the ratio of the time flow rates on both sides, he would always return at the same time.

After many times, Tomoe no longer worries about Natsume staying there and not coming back, so he usually prepares meals at home and waits for Natsume instead of standing guard next to the bone-eating well.

Not to mention that now Natsume and Tomoe's career empire is getting bigger and bigger, and Tomoe is getting busier and busier. Apart from official duties, he spends all his time personally taking care of Natsume, so naturally there is not so much time to waste. .

However, why is Ba Wei waiting for him at the bone-eating well now? I stayed there for less than ten days this time. In terms of a ratio of one to one hundred, it was only a few hours here. Could it be that I had just left Tomoe and gone to Higurashi Shrine?


No matter how smart Natsume is, he can't understand Tomoe's action pattern this time.

Compared with Natsume's doubts, Tomoe's mood over there was much more complicated. He first looked at Natsume carefully. After seeing that there were no scars on his body and that he looked very good, he finally raised his heart. Completely let go.

His heart was at peace, but the anger in his heart was burning:

"Why did you stay there for so long this time!"

Ba Wei glared at Natsume, as if his beautiful eyes were on fire:

"You Do you know how anxious I would be if I didn’t get any news here! Please consider other people’s mood before doing anything!” Tomoe has almost never spoken to Natsume so harshly, so he was treated like this

Natsume's first reaction was not anger, but surprise, even more surprised than when he just came out of the bone-eating well and saw Tomoe.

No one knows how important he is in Tomoe's heart than Natsume himself. Usually, Tomoe can be said to have used all his strength to take care of him. He is afraid that he will be unhappy in the slightest, and he talks softly to himself. How could there ever be such a harsh time?

What accident happened?

Yes, Natsume was sure that there must have been an accident that he didn't know about, which made Ba Wei behave so abnormally, so when faced with Ba Wei's questioning, his expression softened: "Don't be anxious yet, Ba Wei

. Natsume

deliberately injected spiritual power into his voice, so his voice suddenly became very magnetic, which also eased Ba Wei's turbulent emotions: "You said I have been away for a long time? How long was it?" Ba


's Reason gradually returned, and naturally I understood that yelling could not solve any problems, so after taking a deep breath, I said a few words lightly:



Natsume was shocked, wasn't it because there were only a few hours? Why would Ba Wei say that he had been gone for nine days?


The familiar number of days "nine days" suddenly made Natsume react. Did he stay there for exactly nine days? What does this mean? Are the times on both sides synchronized?

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