Chapter 295 - 296

Start from the beginning

In the days when Natsume returned to modern times, because he did not have the ability to see the four soul fragments, Sesshomaru was too lazy to waste time on his own.

Of course, he couldn't do nothing, so he would come to trouble InuYasha from time to time. Although InuYasha miraculously survived every time, Sesshomaru's strength was not enough for the people around InuYasha, whether they were monsters or monsters. Left a very deep impression.

Shippo knew that Sesshomaru and Inuyasha were half-brothers, and even more aware that the two were enemies. Sesshomaru could wield a knife against his brothers without hesitation, let alone an insignificant little monster like himself.

That's why Shippo was so desperate after seeing Sesshomaru.


"A demon fox? It's really different from my Tomoe!"

Looking at Shippo who was crying with snot and tears on his face, Natsume thought of his proud and cunning Tomoe and couldn't help but sigh.

Replacing Tomoe's face on Qibao's little body, and then replacing it with that pitiful expression...


Natsume couldn't help but laugh out loud. The scene was so beautiful that he couldn't even imagine it. I couldn't bear it anymore, so I quickly removed the imaginary picture from my mind, and then I felt a little better.

Because his attention had always been on Sesshomaru, who had a strong sense of presence, Shippou didn't realize until Natsume opened his mouth that Sesshomaru was not alone, but that he saw two figures.

And when he noticed Natsume, Qibao was stunned again. It was not because of how handsome Natsume looked that made a certain little fox demon fall in love at first sight, but because of two other discoveries that shocked Qibao.

One is naturally because of Natsume's human identity. Shippo has heard Inuyasha mention his identity before, and he also knows why Sesshomaru hates Inuyasha, and how unfriendly Sesshomaru is to humans.

Even a gentle and kind girl like Kagome couldn't make Sesshomaru look at her for a second time, and what was happening before her eyes now? That cold and arrogant Sesshomaru who has no friends actually has a human next to him?

And that human is still so close to Sesshomaru!

Yes, this was the second thing that shocked Shippo -

side by side, Sesshomaru and the human who just spoke to him were actually sitting side by side! Especially since Sesshomaru is still grilling meat!

Is this... is this still Sesshomaru who despises humans and always looks at them with disdain and contempt?


the sun rise from the west?

Qibao subconsciously looked up at the sky. When he saw the sky above his head with only twinkling stars, he suddenly remembered that it was night and there was no sun. At the same time, he also remembered another more important thing: "Ah, I am going to move.

" Reinforcement!"

Because he was too weak, he unconsciously fell into the rhythm of Natsume and Sesshomaru. After chatting for several times, he remembered his friend who was in danger. He suddenly became anxious and didn't even care whether Sesshomaru was No longer an enemy:

"Please go save InuYasha, InuYasha is about to die!"

Qibao was so sick that he sought medical treatment. After all, even if this place was not far from Coral's village, he would never be able to survive with his current physical strength. He rushed there in a short time, not to mention that there were pursuers behind him. It was still unknown whether he could reach the village safely!

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