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Jungkook held tightly to Jimins arm while walking into the hospital. When the two woke up, and after all the crying and both hybrids apologizing to each other profusely, the two wanted to see Jin. Thankfully Yoongi agreed and now the four were heading towards his room.

The younger kept stealing glances at Taehyung, the elder seemed a little stand-offish. Jungkook would've usually been upset but he could see something turning in Taehyungs eyes, a conflict forming and swirling around in his irises.

He decided to let the elder deal with what he needed to and talk to him later tonight. He himself was still healing and mainly wanted to stay by Jimins side, more so for Jimin and not for himself. He could smell the guilt radiating off of his cute hyung and knew that Jimin needed him.

Taehyung himself wanted nothing more to take the boy into his arms but decided to take a step back for the moment. Sanyeols words were bouncing around his thoughts. He didn't doubt Jungkook one bit, he knew the younger and trusted him with his whole being. But the fact that there had been hours of Jungkook being with Sanyeol, from the time he was taken and then again when Jimin said he was taken away from him before he and Yoongi had shown up.

He just kept thinking that Sanyeol could have violated the boy many times and maybe Jungkook himself didn't even know it had happened, considering the state he was in. Or maybe Jungkook hasn't told anyone yet about it. They haven't properly discussed what had happened and he was waiting for the events to completely settle and let the younger heal a little and come to terms with it all until he brought it up.

If something did happen to the younger he wouldnt love him any less. Something like that, would not be his bunny's fault. He wouldn't blame him or make him feel terrible for it. All he would be able to do is comfort the boy and be with him during his healing.

So for now he took a step back and let his little bunny be comforted by Jimin. He could see it in Jimins demeanor that he needed Jungkook and vice-versa.

Yoongi kept giving him knowing looks all throughout the ride and the walk into the hospital. He knew the elder wanted to say something and he was grateful that he decided to stay quiet and let Taehyung be in his own thoughts.

"Hyung!" Jimin cried out as they spotted Jin in his hospital room. He was resting back against his pillow with a bandage wrapped around his head. Jimin ran to him and carefully hugged the elders torso, scared of injuring the man more.

Jungkook stood behind Jimin and watched, he was hesitant to approach the elder. His excuse being he felt partially if not all responsible for Jin's condition.

Jin seemed to notice the younger's hesitation. "Kook what's wrong?"

"I'm sorry Jin hyung" he held his head down and refused to meet Jin's eyes.

"Oh Kook. You have nothing to be sorry for. None of this is your doing. Those men are to blame not you. So don't you dare apologize to me"

Jimin sat back at Jin's tone, even though it was raised there was no hostility in his words.

Jungkook bit his lips and slowly raised his head. He shifted slightly on his feet, trying to make up his mind on what to do next. When he decided, he made small steps towards Jin and sat down in front of Jimin and cautiously leaned into Jin. He rested his cheek over Jin's heart and wrapped his arms around his waist. He hadn't touched Jin since that day in the cafe, so to say Jin was surprised would be an understatement.

"Kook. What are you.."

"Thank you hyung" Jungkook spoke against him quietly.

Jungkook knew it would be ok, hugging and touching Jin. He didn't know how he knew but he could just feel it when he saw Jimin hugging the elder. He felt jealous for the first time on the affection that the two were showing towards each other and knew it was time to reach out for Jin.

Jimins warmth encased his backside and he became squished between the two. He smiled finally feeling that the nightmare that he and his Jimin hyung have been living for the past four and half years was finally over.

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