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"I should probably apologize. Shouldn't I?"

Jungkook just hummed in return. Both boys were lying on their shared bed staring at the ceiling, Jungkook reached out and held Jimins hand letting their fingers intertwine.

"I was just so mad. I mean, it was validated though right?" Jungkook nodded as Jimin continued. "They can't blame us for our thinking. Like they are in a gang or whatever. And that picture. What else were we supposed to think?"

"I know hyungie. No one is blaming us."

Jimins face scrunched up as he remembered his feelings earlier. "I almost scratched his face off."

Jungkook laughed lightly at that causing Jimin to smack his shoulder. "It's not funny."

"It kind of is." Jungkook smiled towards Jimin knowingly. "You like him" he teased.

"What?" Jimin looked at him, a mixture of surprised and horrified. "Absolutely not"

"Mm mm. I've seen the way you two look at each other. Sneaking glances when the other isn't looking."

"Kookie. He isn't my mate"

"I don't think it matters hyungie. You always tell me to listen to my heart. What about you?"

"It matters to me Jungkook, I want that connection." He paused thinking of his next wording. "Let's say I do start something with him and then I meet my mate. It would hurt both me and him. I don't want that. I would be heartbroken because what if..what if I fall for him? Yoongi I mean"

Jungkook turned towards him "I understand hyung. You want your mate. I know how long you've wanted them and it is scary thinking about what would happen if you do find them but you're already involved with another. So I guess for now just be patient. Your mate is out there somewhere."

Jimin sighed closing his eyes. "Well I wish they'd hurry up and come to me already."

The younger smiled and reached forward and ran his finger down the bridge of Jimins nose. "They will hyung I just know it" he sat up then and pulled Jimin with him. "In the mean time you have to apologize to Yoongi hyung. You did get a little hostile."

Sanyeol watched the two men enter the shop from across the street. He knew they'd show up sooner or later in this small town. He didn't see the hybrids with them but he knew they were here, knew that there was no way they'd leave without them. They were probably back where ever they were staying.

He watched his old friend and the other exit the shop and head towards their car. Starting his own he pulled out behind them, making sure to keep a distance to not draw suspicion. He followed them out of town, thankfully another two cars were behind him as well, making him blend in more. The car pulled off onto an old road, he didn't follow, already knowing that there wasn't many houses down that road, maybe three or four, so finding theirs wouldn't be a problem for him.

He had arrived in the town a half day ahead of them, knowing exactly where they would go to. He knew Min had a safe house in this town, he just didn't know where. Over the past few years he did his research, he carefully and skillfully learned everything about the two. Especially Min Yoongi, the man he hated more than anything.

A part of him felt bad about lying and betraying his old friend but Taehyung had chosen his side when he became Mins second. In doing so, he sealed his fate.

His plan had taken a slight detour when he became a target to Han and his group when Sion, Han's brother, died. So he ran to Taehyung taking advantage of the fact that he knew he'd help him. Hell, even Min offered him something. But there was no way in hell he'd take any help from that bastard. Looking back now he should've taken the man's offer, if he had, maybe he'd have killed him by now. So when Taehyung called asking for a favor he jumped at the opportunity and learning it had to do with that night he knew this was it, this was what he needed to get back in with Han and it was a golden moment to get rid of Min.

It had gotten dark by now and he had already checked two of the four houses. Each were evenly spaced out from each other, trees lining in between. The first was empty and the second an elderly couple resided in but the third, he had a feeling with the third. All the curtains were pulled shut and no car in the driveway, probably hidden away in the garage. But he could see lights on in the windows behind the blinds.

He crept up to one of the windows and peeked in as best he could have with what little was shown. A little sliver was all he had to work with but it worked, he got what he had come for. There sat two hybrids, the pretty little bunny and a cute little cat were huddled close together over a kitchen counter. Another man he recognized from the cafe was there as well, he seemed to be cooking dinner. Taehyung and Min he couldnt see but he wouldn't chance them not being home.

No. Now was not the time. He would wait. He was good at waiting.

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