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"I think I did something to Taetae hyungie"

Jimin rolled over onto his side "what do you mean bunny?"

Jungkook had planned to talk to the elder but earlier when he approached him, Taehyung had quickly shut him down and claimed he had work to do with Yoongi.

"I don't know. He's acting weird and he's been avoiding me all day, well this morning was ok but after that I just can't explain it, he seems distracted."

"Well he did just kill someone he thought was his friend, even how terrible the man was, he was still someone that Taehyung was close to in a way"

A cold chill shook its way through Jungkooks body as memories began to surface.

"He's your mate. And if he gives you any trouble I'll claw his wiener off"

"Ewww" the younger giggled. "Don't say wiener"

"I got you to laugh didn't I?" He paused for a moment. "In all seriousness though Kookie, talk to him"

"Hmm. I will"

"And you touched Jin hyung and didn't go into full panic. You even initiated the physical touch. I'm so proud of you." Jimin beamed with happiness, smiling proudly at the younger.

"Yeah, I don't know what came over me. Jin hyung, he feels like family"

"I understand. He was so happy he was blubbering like a baby. His face was so funny at first, it took everything to not laugh and ruin the moment. Although I'm surprised you did that, I mean with what happened and it'd only been like a day and a half. It caught me off guard."

"Hyung reminds me of my oldest brother. It hurt not being able to hug him like you did."

Jimin reached out and ruffled his hair. "You're so cute"

Jungkook knocked on Taehyungs door, he knew the elder was in his room because he could smell him.

Taehyung opened the door halfway, he didn't seem happy to see him and his face held no emotions. "Why are you avoiding me?"

Taehyung didn't respond, he took his time thinking of an explanation but he was taking too long. The younger was growing impatient and sank further into the thoughts that Taehyung didn't want him anymore. Had he done something to upset him? All day he had thought about it. Was it because he was with Jimin today?

"Do you..do you not love me anymore?" Jungkooks heart broke as he asked the elder, he didn't dare look at Taehyung as he spoke. He found his own self childish to ask this but he couldn't help it. He had never been in a relationship before, had never fully witnessed one either. His father passed away when he was four and none of his siblings had found their mates before they had died.

Taehyungs silence killed him even more inside. Why was he putting him through this? He was just adding to the trauma. 

He finally looked up into Taehyungs eyes ready to curse at him when his heart broke even more. Tears were falling down the elders face. Big, round tears that slipped down his chin and gathered at the collar of his shirt.


Taehyung finally reacted and pulled him by his waist, cementing himself to the younger. He backed into his room with Jungkook in his hold and shut the door swiftly with his foot before sitting the younger down on his bed. He kneeled down in front of Jungkook and buried his face into his stomach, holding onto the younger as sobs broke through him.

"Hyung. Taetae hyungie you're scaring me" Jungkook sniffed away his own tears that were threatening to fall. He was in too much shock to worry about his own self right now, not when he had Taehyung crying into him and holding him in a death grip.

He began rubbing Taehyungs back and shoulders, running his fingers through the others brown locks calming him down. "It's ok hyungie. Whatever it is, it's ok." When the elder finally calmed down he looked up at Jungkook who softly wiped his tears for him.

"I thought I'd never see you again. I thought I'd be too late" he finally spoke.

"But that didn't happen. I'm here hyungie, I'm ok"

"No. No you're not" he looked at the dark bruise on the younger's face. "You're hurt"

Noticing where he was looking he unconsciously trailed his fingers across the bruise before Taehyung held his hand stopping him. "I hate it. Seeing that color on your skin that was put there out of anger and pain. I should've broke his fingers slowly and then cut them off before killing him. No i should've tortured him, kept him alive so he could live through the pain everyday. I should've.."

Jungkook pressed his fingers to Taehyungs lips silencing him. "No hyungie. Don't want to hear it" he pulled his hand back and settled them on his lap. He remembered why he came here and asked again. "Did I upset you?"

Taehyung closed his eyes hating this. How could he have Jungkook doubting himself? He felt so much self hate at the moment for his actions toward the younger. "No baby. You did nothing wrong."

"Then why?" Jungkook looked into his eyes not backing down this time.

"I had so much shit going on in my head. You have to forgive me little bunny, I've never been in a relationship before. With the stress of what happened, and the thought of what could've been happening to you or more what could've happened and then Sanyeol this morning, I couldn't face you. I wanted to give you space as well as myself."

Jungkook wasn't sure he followed. "I don't understand"

Taehyung held his hands in his, sliding his thumb over his soft skin. "My entire life, my upbringing has been nothing but darkness, just blood, drugs, death among countless others. And then you come and turn it all upside down. You show me more, so much more. I'm experiencing things for the first time. And earlier on I felt like i was going to explode. I needed to blow off steam before i did explode and showed you apart of myself I never want you to see"

"So we are ok?"

"Oh god baby. Of course we are. I'm in love with you. That's never going to change"

Jungkook sniffled back his tears but that didn't help any, they still fell. "You promise?" He held out his pinkie to the elder.

Taehyung smiled and hooked his pinkie with his bunny's. "I promise"

BunnyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon