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Taehyungs eyes never left Jungkooks form even though the younger never spared him a glance. The bunny hybrid had himself hidden away against Jimin.

He clenched his fist hating the fact that he couldn't touch Jungkook but he was too afraid of scaring him. It seemed the bunny hybrid was barely hanging on to his own sanity right now and he didn't want to overwhelm him more.

Jimin also wasn't looking at them, instead he had his eyes cast down. This was the first time Yoongi and Taehyung saw the cat hybrid in this state. Usually he was quite outspoken and stood strong, much like their first encounter with him, seeing him now, he looked helpless and so small.

"I think we're owed an explanation" Yoongi started. He kept his voice firm, not wanting to startle them anymore but he also needed them to know they needed to talk. Three bodies he had gotten rid of tonight and the cause was these two.

Jungkook stirred at the voice, flinching slightly before a soft whine left his mouth. He finally peeled out of Jimins neck, eyes colliding instantly with Taehyungs. Averting his eyes he looked to Yoongi, he could tell both men meant business. Though Taehyungs expression held concern he could still see slight agitation toward the situation.

"How are we to help you if we don't know what's going on?" Hoping to coax the two into opening up Yoongi voices out his concerns.

Jungkook hid himself back into Jimin. "Hyungie. I think we should tell them." His voice was low only for Jimins ears.

Jimin agreed. Maybe it was time to take a leap of faith and ask for help after all these years.

Exhaling slowly Jimin started. "The night Jungkook and I met, it's something we promised to never speak of. My parents had just passed, I was alone so I decided to take a trip. My car broke down. It was night and I was in the middle of nowhere." He swallowed thickly before continuing. "I heard screaming and I could smell smoke. I thought something happened so I ran toward it."

Jimin paused when Jungkooks grip on him tightened. Jimin knew this was hard, especially for the younger. "Kookie. You should go to your room." Jungkook just shook his head against him, so the elder pushed him away by his shoulders. "Go to your room bunny"

The younger nodded and stood on shaky legs and walked slowly to his room using the wall as support. As soon as the door shut Jimin continued.

"I found a house but it was too late, the house was engulfed in flames. I found two bodies, two boys my age or older. I found out later they were Kookies elder brothers. They had been shot" he brought his knees to his chest and wiped his tears away. He didn't want to continue but he knew he had to. "I could still hear the screaming. And then I saw them. Three men. Two were..they were..they had raped her, bunny's sister, and left her there, lying in her own blood."

He stopped, not wanting to continue, he couldn't. The bile was inching its way up his throat, he swallowed thickly.

"Continue" Taehyungs deep voice cut through.

Jimin looked to him. Taehyung stood stiff, his eyes dark and full of an uncontainable rage. Jimin then looked to Yoongi, his face was void of any emotion unlike Taehyung.

"They were talking about what to do with the other one. Thats when I saw Jungkook. They had beaten him so severely, to the brink of death. I thought he was dead, they said he wasn't. Thats when they started to undress him. They were going to.." he shivered as a growl left Taehyung.

Taehyungs fist clenched tighter, nails digging into his palm as he turned around. He threw his head back breathing deeply, trying to contain all the anger that was residing inside him. "Continue" he gritted out.

"One of the men had left his gun on the ground. I don't know if it was luck or what to have found it but I..I took it."

"You killed them?" Yoongi finally spoke, receiving only a small nod from Jimin.

"Did they.."

"They didn't" Jimin cut in. "They didn't touch him."

Taehyung released a breath he didn't know he was holding, a little relief flushed through him.

"But those men, that man tonight he said one was his bosses brother. They've been looking for us. One of the men lived, he ran off after I shot the other two"

Yoongi and Taehying shared a look before Jimin continued. "That's why Kookie is the way he is. His family was killed in front of him. He saw what they did to his sister. And what they were going to do to him, what they did do to him." Jimin stopped himself. Taking a breath to steady himself. "He's been through so much. My poor baby" Jimin covered his face letting the sobs run through his body. He broke down, after all these years he finally broke.

"Go to Jungkook. We need to get them out of here. Tonight" Yoongis voice cut through the boys cries.

Taehyung didn't have to be told twice, all but running to the younger's room. How had tonight turned out like this? Just this afternoon he had been in a different position with his bunny.

He knocked softly before entering. Finding Jungkook sitting in the center of his bed, knees pulled to his chest with his face buried away.

He approached cautiously. "Baby bunny?"

Jungkook flinched before looking up, face red and wet with tears, his lips trembled in tune with his body. Taehyungs heart broke at the scene.

He sat down slowly in front of the younger. Not saying anything at first, nor did he touch him. Just waiting for Jungkook to make the first move.

His resolve didn't need to last long as the younger threw himself into his arms. Jungkook wrapped himself around Taehyung as tight as he could, concealing himself in the elders embrace.

"I killed him hyung. I killed that man"

"Shhh" he pulled Jungkook closer. "Don't think about it"

"I can't. It keeps replaying in my mind. I don't know how but it just happened. He was gonna hurt my Jiminie. He was going to do worse. It's like I couldn't control it."

Taehyung thought for a moment, understanding what had happened. "You did good bunny. You protected your hyung."

Jungkook peeked up at him "I did good?"

"Yes little bunny. You did good."

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