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It had been two weeks since their confession, and Jungkook couldn't be happier. He never envisioned this for himself. Sure he wished for it, but he didn't think it would actually happen, to have someone like Taehyung in his life.

"I think you've stirred that enough"

Jumping with a squeal, he nearly dropped the bowl. "Hyung" he patted over his heart to calm its rapid beats from the surprise. "You scared me"

Jin chuckled taking the bowl from him to pour the batter into its mould. "I see that. What's got you so distracted"

"Nothing" he turned away hiding his cheeks.

"Come on, talk to me. It's that handsome man of yours, huh?" He asked eyebrows wiggling.

"N..no I was thinking about..umm I was thinking about your sweater. Yeah your sweater, it's really pretty. Where'd you get it?"

Jin's eyes narrowed as he placed the cake in the oven and then turned toward the bunny hybrid. "Nice try. Now come on spill. I want all the details"

Jungkook shook his head. "I don't have any details to share"

Jin scoffed. "Oh please. It's been what? Two weeks? He picks you up after every shift. You're telling me you haven't done anything?"

Jungkook looked down at his feet, he scuffed his one foot along the floor. Shaking his head no, too embarrassed to say it out loud.

"But you want to?"

Nodding in agreement this time while cheeks turned a beautiful rose color.

"Awe" Jin approached him, hands raised, fingers just inches away from squeezing his cheeks. When he suddenly froze under the big wide eyes of the younger, retracting his hands instantly.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking" his voice sounding so small

"No. Hyung. Please don't apologize. I'm sorry. It's..I'm trying."

Jin smiled sadly. "Kook. You've nothing to apologize for. Let's leave that for now and go back to what matters most right now."

He let out a whine. "Dont make me say it hyung"

Jin sat down on one of the stools patting the other, beckoning Jungkook over.

"Tell your hyung what's holding you back."

"Nothing is hyung. It's been two weeks like you said, and I just want to take it slow."

"Well I'm not saying you should sleep with him"

His eyes widened. If this were Jimin he would slap him for that comment.

"If I were you I'd stake my claim and fast. A man like that draws attention." Jin's phone beeped, he stood heading towards his office "sorry Kook. Gotta take this"

Jungkook became lost in his thoughts once again. He did want to take things slow but he also had this overwhelming want to say screw slow and just dive in.

He needed Jimin.

He found the cat hybrid at the register ringing up a customer. Slowly approaching his hyung, he slid his arms around his waist and nuzzled his nose into the back of his neck.

A hand reached up and around and rustled his hair. "What's wrong my little Kookie?"

"Hyungie. What if I disappoint Taetae hyung?"

"And why would you disappoint him?"

"Just because.." he trailed off "I'm...well.. I'm me" his voice muffled.

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