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"Do you think he knows?"

"Not sure" Yoongi glanced out the window where he could see Jimin and Jungkook sitting out enjoying the sun. He watched as Jimin tackled the younger as they fell into a fit of laughter. A smile lit on his own face as he watched the two.

"You really are going soft." Taehyung teased as he took his spot beside him, both watching the younger's now.

"Han set the date for a week from now. From the way he was talking I think it's safe to say he doesn't know we have them."

"Are we really gonna pass this off as a coincidence? Him wanting to meet while we are also searching for him"

"We'll cover all the bases, Han isn't coming out alive."

"And Kook and Jimin? Where are they in this?"

Yoongi placed his hand on his shoulder squeezing reassuringly. "Tae, we're gonna do this. Your bunny and Jimin will stay here. I'll have some of the men come and watch things."

"Hell no!! Absolutely not!" Taehyung was appalled at the idea. Shrugging his hand off he stood abruptly. "Nope. I don't trust them"

"You need to reign yourself in." Yoongi sighed already knowing Taehyung was going to be against his suggestion. "Fine. What about Sanyeol?"

"What about him?"

"He's in town. Have him watch the two"


"What? Even him?" Yoongi was having enough of this. "This possessive behavior of yours is becoming too much that you can't even have your childhood best friend watching them"

Shaking his head he exhaled trying to control his anger. "That's not.." he wasnt sure how to explain what he wasn't sure of himself. "I know I know. I agree with you and I'm sorry. My bunny explained it to me, he said it's most likely the mate bond. He said I'll feel it too and it affects everyone differently. So I'm sorry but I can't help it"

"Ok, I get it. But it's Sanyeol"

"Thats the problem"

"I don't follow"

"Something was off. I can't explain it but as soon as I mentioned the two it's like his whole demeanor changed. It was slight but I caught it. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I don't trust him."

Yoongi just listened. He knew Taehyung was telling the truth and this didn't have anything to do with his crazy mate bond thing he has going on with the bunny. Knowing the younger for years and one thing the younger had going for him was his instinct and if it was telling him that Sanyeol was shady then they had better listen to it.

"Alright, no Sanyeol. But I don't want them here by themselves. What about Jin?"

"We'll have them stay at Jin's. I don't want them here at all."

Yoongi nodded at the suggestion. "I agree. He's the only one I trust"

Taehyung smiled "you really are going soft hyung"

"Shut up" he waved the other off turning to exit. "I need a nap" he grumbled under his breath.

"Jin hyung!!!" Jimin yelled as they entered the cafe.

The two had been dropped off by Taehyung and Yoongi for their shift, the two older males claimed they had some business to attend to around town and would be back in a couple hours. In reality while the two younger's had work at the cafe, Yoongi and Taehyung would go around surveilling the town for Hans men. 

Jin poked his head out of the kitchen doorway. "You're here? Where are the other two?"

Jungkook shrugged his shoulders as he tied his apron. "Said they had stuff to do and they'd be back."

"I see"

The three have gotten a lot closer over the past two weeks after the little blow out they had and then the talk they had afterward, they just felt more connected in a way.

A couple hours into their shift and no sign of the other two Jungkook was starting to grow restless. He hopped on his heels as he watched out the cafe windows.

Jimin came from behind and smacked the back of his head. "Quit it. You're starting to give me anxiety."

"Hyungie.." he grumbled rubbing the back of his head. "Taetae said they wouldn't be long."

"Well it's only been a couple hours, I'm sure they're fine. Now you wait here I need to use the restroom"

As Jimin headed to the back the bell over the door chimed. Smiling towards the customer he began greeting them. "Welcome to.." words got stuck in his throat as he took in the presence of the newcomer.

The man just smiled at him, a smile so sickening and sweet that he ears pulled back against his head, he could feel all his major functions starting to shut down. His breathing grew slower and slower as the man approached him.

"Hi pretty boy. Did you miss me?" The man drawled out as he leaned against the counter and ran his finger along Jungkooks cheek. Smiling as he saw the tears slip down one by one.

"Shhhh. Don't cry." He spoke in a small and mocking way. Reaching forward he grabbed Jungkooks wrist to pull him closer, only the small counter between them. Jungkook didn't resist, as he was trapped in his own body, unmoving as the burn etched into him from the man's touch. Yet he couldn't move, as if he were this mans puppet bending at his every whim.

"D..don't" he whispered out.

"Shh. It's ok." The familiar stranger continued to caress his cheeks, smearing the tears as they fell. "You're shaking" the man smirked. "You know who I am, don't you?"

"What are you doing? Who are you?" Jin came out with a fresh batch of muffins when he came upon the scene.

"An old friend. Right pretty boy?" He still hadn't let go of Jungkook, didnt even cast a glance at Jin, just stared into Jungkooks eyes, getting high on the fear he saw.

It wasn't until Jungkook released a whimper that snapped Jin into action, he dropped the muffins not caring as they crashed and rolled around the floor. Snatching Jungkooks waist and pulling him back against him and out of the man's grasp. Stepping in front of the younger he kept an arm snaked back around Jungkook holding him to him. He could feel the boy shuddering against him, gripping the back of his shirt.

"You need to leave" Jin's voice was even but the unknown man could feel the threat in it.

He chuckled, amused by Jin. The unknown man smiled at him, that sent shivers down his spine. Jin could feel the goosebumps starting to rise on his skin under the man's eyes that seemed to penetrate into him.

"I'll see you around pretty boy" the man left after throwing back another smile to Jin before closing the door behind him.

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