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He couldn't remember the last time he woke up alone, it had to be before Jimin. Now he sat up rubbing the sleep from his eyes looking around for the presence of the elder but found no one.

There was a swift knock on the door and an old woman entered not waiting for a 'come in'.

"Oh you're awake. I've been asked to bring you down" she didn't wait for his answer before she turned back and leaving. "Are you coming?"

He huffed, getting out of the warm bed and followed the woman. She brought him back to the room with the double doors from the night before, hastily knocking on the door and then leaving him standing there by himself.

"Come in". He gulped before entering, praying that maybe Jimin was behind these doors and where was Taehyung? The kind man from last night whose cologne smelt intoxicating.

"Kookie!" Jimin threw his body against Jungkooks squeezing him tight as soon as he entered the room.

Jimin released him then cupping his cheeks he quickly ran his eyes over his face and body looking for any injuries. "You're not hurt are you? If anything happened or anybody did anything to you, you tell me right now"

Shaking his head he let out a small smile "I'm fine hyungie. But are you ok? I heard you yelling last night"

Jimins eyes narrowed in anger before he turned to the man behind the desk. "Yes I'm fine. Just someone wouldn't let me see you"

If looks could kill, Yoongi would've been dead last night and again once this morning.

Jungkook glanced around the room hoping to spot Taehyung, not seeing him he felt deflated. His shoulders sagged as he looked down at the ground feeling disappointed.

"Are you gonna let us go or what? What purpose do you have to keep us here?" Jimin stood in front of Yoongis desk now with his hands on his hips. "Just because we are hybrids doesn't make us any less human than you. We have rights too"

Yoongi rolled his eyes, this hybrid had a mouth and didn't know when to shut it. "You can go"

"What?" Jimin asked incredulously. "Just like that?"

Yoongi waved his hand as if to tell them to go.

Jimin didn't budge. "No. We need money" Yoongi scoffed opening his mouth to deny but Jimin continued before he could. "Your men, may I remind you took everything from us. Well more like made us leave all of our belongings behind. Including our money. So I believe it's your responsibility to pay for their actions as well as your own for basically kidnapping us and holding us against our will"

The two stared at each other neither one willing to back down it seemed. Jungkook bit his lip just watching the two, the tension between them was thick and it made him nervous.

Yoongi looked away first opening a drawer and pulling out an envelope tossing it to Jimin who caught it and opened the one end quickly and smirked. "Pleasure doing business old man. Now let's never meet again."

Jungkook held Jimins hand as he followed behind down the drive though he kept looking back at the big house hoping to catch a glimpse of Taehyung. He wanted to see the elder at least once before they left to thank him for everything and tell him goodbye. He wasn't sure if they'd ever cross paths again but he desperately wished they would.

"Hey" Taehyung greeted his boss. Having entering the basement he began hearing screams from one of their guests they kept down there. "I see we're having fun without me"

"Hmm" Yoongi hummed washing away the rest of the blood that had stained his hands. "Did Jaehoon give you what I asked for?"

Taehyung held the file up before tossing it on the table that sat to the left of Yoongi.

"Have you decided what to do with the hybrids?"

Yoongi grabbed the towel drying his hands casting a side glance towards Taehyung, having a slight insight on why he was asking.

"They're taken care of" was all he said before picking up the file and reading through it.

His heart stuttered. A deathly sick feeling began bubbling up in his stomach. "You..You killed them?"

Yoongi dropped the file and sat on the small couch, he leaned forward on his knees. "Why should I have kept them alive?"

He studied Taehyungs changing expressions, sadness filled those usually empty eyes first which was quickly replaced with rage and it was directed towards him.

"They knew too much." He leaned back now smirking slightly. "And I saw how you looked at that bunny. You know better Taehyung. They don't belong in our world."

"So you killed him?!?!!" Taehyungs eyes pricked with tears as he took a step toward where the other sat, his hands trembling by his sides.

"Better me than any other, don't you think? Hybrids like that don't last long in this world. And if they do, well you know the sufferings they go through."

Taehyung didn't say anything, only able to stare at Yoongi in disbelief.

Yoongi stood up walking towards him now, resting his hand on his shoulder giving it a hard squeeze. "Can't have you going soft on me"

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