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Jimin hadn't come out of the bathroom for awhile, it had been maybe an hour and Jungkook was starting to stress.

His hands were shaking slightly and his knees felt like jello as all this was becoming too much for him. His mind kept replaying the last look he had shared with Taehyung. Guilt clenched around his heart remembering Taehyungs eyes.

He knew in his heart that the elder would never hurt him but at the moment and still even now he felt broken inside. Torn within himself. Wanting to run back to Taehyung and hear him out and listen to his explanation while laying in his arms or staying right where he was.

He was scared and unsure of everything around him right now. The only thing he knew for sure was his Jimin hyung, who looked just as conflicted as him. He could hear the shower running and so he decided to just lay back and close his eyes and try to forget everything for a little awhile.

The problem was, he couldn't forget. No matter how hard he tried he couldn't get Taehyungs pain stricken face out of his mind. He opened his eyes and brought his hand to his face, examining it. It was the hand that Taehyung had tried to touch earlier, not tried to, he did. And it burned. Taehyungs touch burned him in the moment.

As realization sunk in he covered his mouth and let out the sobs that raked through him, squeezing his eyes tight trying to force the tears away.

He wasn't sure how long he lay there but he let his heart finally speak and ignored the what if's bouncing around in his head. His heart cried for and longed for Taehyung. He needed to make sure that everything was ok, needed to listen to him and trust in his mate.

He stood on wobbly legs and moved towards the door, his mind racing at what it all meant. Rushing down the stairs he nearly tripped but steadied himself as his eyes cloudy with tears as he searched for the elder. He fell to the floor exhausted and continued to cry wondering if he'd ever be able to touch Taehyung again.


He looked up finding the one he was longing for staring down at him. His breath caught as he choked out a sob reaching for the elder.

"H..hyungie" his hands shook with anticipation readying himself for the burning touch but it never came. Taehyungs gentle contact glided across his skin leaving nothing but tingles and love in its wake.

Taehyung pulled the boy to his feet and let his bunny cling to him as he pleased. It only causes Jungkook to cry harder in relief as he jumped on his hyung circling his legs around his torso and digging his nose into his neck.

"Mm sorry. I'm so sorry" he let out through muffled cries.

"Bunny it's.."

Jungkook suddenly pulled out and started rubbing his cheek with Taehyungs scenting him restlessly. He leaned in and began nipping at his neck then licking over where he nibbled.

"Wait wait" Taehyung stumbled back a little before righting himself. "Let's go to my room, we'll talk there"

Jin and Yoongi stood in the doorway watching the whole exchange, both with equally shocked expressions.

"That was." Yoongi cleared his throat. "Umm not what I was expecting."

Jin nodded his head. "Thought it'd take longer for one of them to crack" he glanced at Yoongi noticing the slight pink in his cheeks. "Are you blushing?

"What?" Yoongi scoffed at him but didn't meet his eyes. "I got shit to go do" he walked off ignoring Jin's eyes on his back. But murmured lowly to himself. "I need someone too" thinking about the feisty little cat.

Taehyung sat down on the bed with the bunny still in his hold rubbing his cheek against his.

Jungkook nuzzled down in Taehyungs neck and nibbled and bit at him again finishing from earlier. Repeating his actions many times implanting his scent into the other. "My scent wore off" he whispered out before moving to the other side.

Taehyung let him do what he wished knowing this would calm his bunny in a way. He couldn't help but smile just knowing that he wouldn't lose Jungkook. Tightening his hold on the younger, dropping his head down onto Jungkooks shoulder.

When Jungkook was satisfied with his work he leaned in inhaling his and Taehyungs mixed scent. Relishing in it.

"Baby we need to talk"

He opened his eyes meeting the elders, then looked down at his hands that were fisting Taehyungs shirt in a tight hold and nodded his head.

"Are you ok if we discuss what we weren't able to earlier?"

Jungkook nodded again.

"Listen to everything Bunny ok?"

"Ok" his voice was small but he decided he was going to listen. He would trust his mate.

"His name is Sanyeol. His father worked along side mine under Yoongis. We grew up together, like brothers." Jungkook flinched at that, Taehyung felt it but decided to continue. "But he and his family left when we were about eleven. I didn't see him again until years later. We met at an event, a party of sorts. That's when that photo was taken."

Jungkook nodded and hummed letting Taehyung know he was still listening.

"He was with Han. He was one of his men, he'd been working for him for awhile. Over the next couple years we would just catch up with each other every now and again. But one night I received a call from him. He was distraught and unsure of what to do. He had said something happened and he needed to disappear for awhile. So I helped him. We didn't contact each other for four years. Not until a couple weeks ago when I reached out to him."

Jungkook finally looked at him. "Why?"

Taehyung pushed the hair from his bunny's face, tucking it behind his ears.

"We needed to find Han to stop this nightmare that you and Jimin are living. He had went into hiding and we contacted Sanyeol for help. We knew he'd know how to find him since he worked for him for years. But I swear baby. I promise you I didn't know. I had know idea who he was to you. I didn't know who he had become. You have to believe me"

And Jungkook did, he did believe him. He lightly reached up and held Taehyungs face as he leaned forward and kissed his forehead. "I believe you hyung"

Taehyung closed his eyes at the contact and pulled the younger closer to him breathing out a sigh. "I thought...I thought you'd leave me"

Jungkook shook his head. "Never hyungie. You're stuck with me"


"Yeah." Jungkook looked deeply into his mates eyes finding nothing but truth and love. "I'm so sorry hyungie, I'm a bad mate, I hurt your heart" he reached out rubbing his palm over Taehyungs chest.

"No no baby. Your actions were justified"

"Still I hurt you. You looked sad"

Taehyung pulled him back in, letting his baby's head settle under his chin, running his hands up and down the boys back. "Yes, you hurt me. But I hurt you too little bunny. And I'm sorry. I'm sorry for causing you pain and being the reason for your tears"

The younger shook his head disagreeing with him. "No Taetae hyungie. That man hurt me, not you. But he also hurt you too." He pulled out looking back into his eyes. "He was your friend"

"He was" Taehyung swallowed down the pity he felt for himself "Not anymore."

They sat still for a while just basking in each other's embrace. Jungkook decided then and there that he would never tell anyone, not even Jimin, that Taehyungs touch hurt him at the time. He decided to bury it deep within him, promising himself to never tell a soul.

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