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Jungkook couldn't concentrate, no matter how hard he tried his thoughts kept drifting to Taehyung.

Every couple minutes he'd peek out the kitchen door window checking to see if the elder had come. He should've given him the number to the phone that Jimin had, but his thoughts weren't exactly sane yesterday.

"Jungkook" he turned back to Jin, smiling softly before going back to the dishes he was washing.

"Who is that man to you? The one from yesterday?"

"Oh Taetae hyung?" Not stopping the shy smile that spread across his face.

"Yeah him" Jin's tone had Jungkook frowning, he didn't sound like he normally did.

"What's wrong hyung? You don't sound like usual. Are you sick?" He approached Jin staring up at him, not able to decipher Jin's face. Was he mad? Sick? He couldn't tell.

"I'm fine. Just answer the question" he hissed out, his voice louder than he intended.

Jungkook flinched. "Hyung?"

Jimin came in through the door with a huge grin plastered on his face interrupting their conversation. "Oh Kookie" he sang. "Your Taetae is here"

All worries of Jin hyung left him as he quickly smoothed out his clothes making him self presentable.

"Do I look ok?"

"You're perfect kook" Jimin steered him towards the door and pushed him out. "Go get him bunny" he whispered in his ear.

He turned to Jin eyes narrowed "what's your problem?" His tone anything but friendly.

"Excuse me?" Jin took a step towards the cat hybrid "you cant talk to me like that. I'm your elder and your boss."

"Hmm. Well maybe you forgot but I'm Kookies brother, and I'll always protect him. So either tell me your problem or you'll ending up losing both of us."

Jimin didn't want to play games. He hated miscommunication the most and right now Jin was getting on his nerves, walking around all morning sulking and talking to Jungkook the way he did. That wasn't going to fly with him.

"I'm jealous. Ok?" Jin admitted, turning away not wanting to face the cat hybrid.

"Jealous? Of what? Taehyung?" Jimin gasped. Taking a step closer "You like Kookie?" He whisper yelled.

"What??! No!" Jin looked appalled for a moment. "It's just when you told me about Kooks condition you told me he was only comfortable with you. But then that man came in and they were all over each other. It's just not fair." He threw his hands up in the air exasperated. "I want to touch him too. It's so hard not to. He's so small and cute. I just want to squish him"

Jimin was shocked to say the least. He was not expecting this.

"Oh hyung. It'll take time but he'll let you in eventually. Just be patient"

Jin nodded. Jimin was right. "I know. Are you ever going to tell me what happened to him?"

Jimin shook his head. "It's not my story to share. I am apart of it but like I said, it should come from Jungkook"


Taehyung turned towards the younger watching the beautiful boy approach him.

"Hi bunny"

"You really came?" Jungkook beamed up at him, his eye's sparkling under the fluorescent lights of the cafe.

Taehyungs heart thumped in his chest, this boy has going to be the death of him one day.

"Of course. Were you waiting for me?"

The bunny hybrid nodded his head rapidly. "I still have a couple hours until I'm off work. Can you wait til then?"

Before Taehyung could answer Jin interjected from the kitchen doorway. "Kook you go. It's quite slow today, Jimin and I got it"

"Are you sure Hyung?"

Jin smiled reassuringly at the duo.

"Thanks hyung." He left Taehyung heading back to the staff room "Wait for me Taetae, I'll be right back" he called over his shoulder.

"Is this ok?" Taehyung asked gesturing to their hands that were interlocked together.

"Mhmm" the bunny nodded with a slight blush on his cheeks.

Taehyung led them down the beach. Thankfully it wasn't crowded and they could get some alone time to just talk, that's all either of them wanted, to talk about what was happening between them without being interrupted.

Taehyung sat down in the sand bringing Jungkook down as well to sit inbetween his legs. He pulled the boy back, flush against his chest and settled his chin on his shoulder.

"How about this? Is this ok?" He whispered

Jungkook didn't trust his voice so he just nodded.

They sat in silence for a few minutes just enjoying each others company, neither one finding the silence awkward. It was rather comfortable.

"Bunny?" Taehyung started. He knew he would have to lay it all out for Jungkook and hopefully the boy would still accept him. Being nervous as hell but it was now or never.

"Bunny, this that's between us, I want more of it. I want it all. I want your all. Do you understand what I'm saying?" Speaking gently to not nerve the boy up anymore than he probably was.

"I think so hyung" he reached down playing with the elders long fingers, intertwining his own with them.

"I've never been in this situation before. Wanting someone so desperately. But it's not just attraction bunny. When I say I want your all, I mean I want your smiles and even your tears. I want your future, I want everything that you'll offer me. All of it. I'm a selfish man bunny."

Jungkook didn't reply, he couldnt, not with his heart thrashing in his chest, the words seemingly stuck in his throat.

"You make me feel. Do you know what that means? I feel because of you. Emotions have been a stranger to me for years. But you just showed up and it's like you demanded my attention with just a glance of those eyes of yours. One look and I was hooked."

Jungkook slipped from his hold and turned to him, his eyes glossed over but not a trace of sadness evident. Taehyung cupped his face and slowly caressed his cheeks catching the fallen tears that slowly slipped down.

"I want you in my life. I want to hold you in my arms. I want to call you mine and I want to shout to the world so damn proudly that I'm yours. Would you like that bunny?"

Jungkook profusely nodded his head. "Yes" he breathed out finally. "I want that too"

"You have to know what you're getting into first before you agree completely." His tone turning serious before he continued, making sure Jungkook fully understood the situation. "The world I live in. It's dangerous. The work I do, it's not something I'm proud to admit in front of you. But I promise Jungkook, I would never and I mean never let anything bad happen to you"

Jungkook smiled "I trust you hyung"

Taehyung pulled him back against his chest to their previous position, his smile never once faltering. He felt happy and completely and utterly blissed out on the feeling.



"We barely know each other. Is this too fast? I mean, I don't know about you but i feel this connection to you. As if we're tied together. To me you're not a stranger I've only met a handful times. To me it's like my soul has known yours all my life"

Taehyung tightened his hold on the younger, pressing his lips as delicately as he could into the youngers hair. "I feel it too little bunny. I feel it too"

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