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Jungkook woke up, startled and confused. The after effects of what had happened weighed heavily on his mind and the remnants of the man's touch left a lingering ache that he couldn't shake.

Low and gut wrenching sobs filled the room startling Taehyung who laid beside him. He jumped to action and brought the younger to a sitting position. Hands pushed him away and nails dug into his skin, scraping along his forearms, Taehyung hissed at the contact but he continued on.

Pulling the boy to sit between his legs, he crossed Jungkooks arms over his chest and caged him in with his own arms. Taehyung could feel the erratic beating of Jungkooks heart through his back which was pressed into his front, he closed his eyes and spoke lowly into the boys ears.

"Shhh. It's ok, it's over. It's all over."

Jungkooks wiggling began to decline and his breathing, though labored and short, began to even out as well.

"Breathe. Breathe baby." Taehyung pressed on his chest guiding his breathing, "Just like that"

"I..please..it..it hurts"

"Where little one? Where does it hurt?" He continued to rock the two of them back and forth, rubbing his hands up and down his bunny's arms.

Jungkook shook his head "I can't stop it" he brought his hands to his ears tugging on them.

Noticing his actions, Taehyung guided the younger's hands from their assault on himself. "Don't do that" his voice soft "just breathe for me, nice and slow." He ran his hands down his baby's arms. "Do you feel me?"

Jungkook nodded. "Feel you" he murmured.

"Good." His hands ran over the surface of the bunny hybrid replacing Sanyeols touch with his own. "Does it hurt still?"

Jungkook shook his head. "No" his voice was only a whisper now. "Hyung" speaking out louder this time. "Jiminie. Want Jimin hyung"

"Ok little bunny, I'll take you to him" He lifted the boy off the bed who clung to him digging his nose into the crook of his neck. Soft sniffles were heard and his hands still shook but his breathing had regained its normal composure.

The elder entered the room Jimin was staying in quietly, not wanting to wake the cat hybrid. He found Jimin curled on his side fast asleep, little snores leaving his mouth.

"Hyungie" Jungkook mumbled reaching out towards Jimin when his scent permeated the air around him.

Jimin stirred slightly and lifted his arms to the two intruders sensing Jungkook near by. Taehyung lowered the younger onto the bed who immediately sank into Jimins embrace. The both of them let out a content sigh as they unconsciously began scenting each other.

Any other day Taehyung would be fuming with jealousy but he knew the act was innocent and the two needed each other. He stepped back and left the room, leaving the two to their private moment.

He found Yoongi in the basement, a phone pressed to his ear speaking lowly. Noticing Taehyungs presence he hung up and pocketed his phone before turning towards the younger.

"Jin is awake. He's ok, a slight concussion but the doctor said he'll be fine"


Taehyung eyed the door behind Yoongi. "How about our guest? Is he awake?"

Yoongi smiled and motioned Taehyung to enter ahead of him. "Find out for yourself"

Upon entering the room, the smell of blood wafted in the air, turning his stomach at the scent. Sanyeol lifted his head with much difficulty from where it hung. Yoongi had him strung up by his arms as his feet just barely grazed the floor beneath.

His face was swollen in places and blood oozed from his wounds. Taehyung felt nothing seeing his old friend like this, he lost all sympathy towards Sanyeol the moment he touched Jungkook.

Yoongis men had beaten Sanyeol to a point where he was nearly unrecognizable. He stepped forward into the light letting Sanyeol see his face. He wanted him to know who would be pulling the trigger, ending his pathetic life.

"You know Sanyeol, you sealed your fate the moment you went to Han." Taehyung took out his gun and checked the magazine making sure it was loaded, not that he needed to anyway. With his upbringing and experience he only needed to hold a gun to know if it was loaded just by the weight of the weapon.

"You should've known by my character that I would do anything for him." He stepped closer, grimacing at the stench of the man. "This is only karma."

"Fuck you" Sanyeols voice was gruff. "Fuck you and Min"

Taehyung chuckled "I can't do that. You see, my baby scents me everyday. He's quite possessive and he's not big on sharing. So I'm going to have decline"

That earned a growl from Sanyeol. "You and Min are perfect for each other. You guys and Mins bastard father"

"Right" Taehyung understood. "What about your father?"

"My father? Yours and Mins killed him. Right in front of me, I was there. So was that bitch" he eyed Yoongi who now stepped into the room.

"Hmm. You wanted to avenge your father, and for what? This?" Taehyungs head went back as he laughed at the man. "Oh god. You really are pathetic. Hyung told me what happened. How your father was a traitor, by the code you should've been killed as well. I'm only upset that I was lied to about it for years, if I had known I would've thought twice about trusting the son of a coward"

"No. I didn't do it just for him" Sanyeol coughed, blood spurted out of his mouth. "Wanted to see you on your knees, begging me. I wanted to see you helpless and weak." He began coughing again, more blood drooled down his chin as his coughs simmered out. "Also wanted that bunny again. Did he tell you how good I made him feel? How he begged me for more?"

A loud bang echoed in the small room. Yoongis eyebrows lifted in surprise, he didn't expect Taehyung to kill him this quickly, with no hesitation.

"Hyung" Taehyungs voice sounded shattered. "He didn't right? He didn't touch him right?"

BunnyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon