Sweet Dreams

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Water running down your face from droplets coming from above
The tightening of your muscles and clenching of your teeth
You've always been so cold to me, even with your love
But I hope you'll find some relief

I hold your body close to mine
But you refuse to wrap yourself around me
Surrounded by what looks like bottles of spilled wine
And I just can't wrap my head around what I see

Your pale lips don't move in any words or sneers
Hands cold to my touch, but the window was open
And as the end of our time together nears
I find myself still here hoping

Eyes half-lidded and caught in a haze
You're so close to sleep now, dear
I hope your dreams aren't a complicated maze
I hope you dream without any fear

So I put my lips to yours so sweet
And I'm feeling so bold
But I can no longer feel your heat
As you've finally gone snow cold

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