What's that song again?

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I walk this road and ponder
Watch the sun rise and fall
But I keep walking tall
While I let my mind wander
This road is long
This road is short
But I whistle my little song
And move from my starting port

How long have I been walking?
I can't remember where I came from
When did I start this song?
What did I leave behind me?
I left for a reason
Or did I?
What can I see?
If I just keep moving
Underneath this dark sky
Will I find my destination at last?
Where am I even going?
Did I move too fast?

I can't remember anymore
So I'll just keep moving
And sing my little song
Is this road short or long?
I've met some others on the path
But they gave me no answer
At least, not one that matches the others
Some said it was long, some said short
Some said there was no road at all
Some said they still haven't found the end
Just taking a break before I fall
Some said it was just around the bend

But my road was straight
But I'll keep moving fast
Because I can't turn around
That's all in the past
I need to keep gaining ground
So I whistle my little song
While I'm still going strong

My feet are tired and sore
My legs cramp and ache
I feel this weariness in my core
How long did this take?
I try to whistle my song
But no air passes my lips
I haven't whistled in so long
My song dies on my tongue's tip

I can't remember at all
Why I started walking or where I came from
What that song was or how long I gave it a hum
Where I was going and when I finally went numb
So I lay here on this dirty, trodden road
After walking so far I couldn't help but fall
Ah, I remember that song's name after all

It was.....

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