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I waited out in the cold
In the rain and sleet and desperate winds
Soaked to the bone by puddles and rain
Chilled to my bones and aching in pain

I was left out alone and solitary on the street
Wandering by myself on my two weary feet
Looking for shelter and warmth to save my fingers and toes
And the parts of me that have been frosted over well before the storm came

And when I finally found cover from the downpour
And I dreamed of dry clothes and warm hands
I found that even though the sky was obscured
I could still feel the rain falling more and more

No amount of fire and heat would unfreeze my ice solid heart
No number of blankets and sunny days would erase the feelings of rain gliding over my skin
So even when I hid from the rain, I still ended up wet
I did everything right and ended up drenched nonetheless

However, I can still dream of cozy fires and sunny skies
Those rays of daylight kissing my skin and breathing life back into me
The soft humming of animals in trees and the gentle, cooling breeze
Closing my eyes and taking it all in

But my eyes must open once more
And reflect the stormy grays that line the sky
And I'll flinch endlessly as icy droplets hit my face
To remind me that I belong here, frozen

I do wonder, though, if the sun will ever peek through the clouds
And grace me with its shining presence
I wonder if it does, will I still soak in its warmth gratefully
Or recoil away in anger and wish for rain once again

The sun can not comfort me now
I've been under these storm clouds for too long
And I've been here in the rain for ages
I've forgotten what it means to be warm and dry

Those days are far behind
And those comforts are an alien concept to me
As I cup my hands and let the water gather
Then, release and watch it pour out like my emotions

I waited out in the cold
In the rain and sleet and desperate winds
So cold and soaked to the bone
That the ice is beginning to feel nice to me

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