Getting Closer

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I look down into a sea of lights
After one too many long, long nights
My feet are cold and scraping stones
But I feel this heat within my bones
My grip is torturous and oh so tight
My knuckles turning pale bone white
My legs are shaking, but oddly calm
I have a purpose in my palm
A crumpled note I hope stays clean
But i know it's a stupid dream
Cause at the bottom, I'll be dead
And this note will be stained red

But this note has my feelings true
So let me read my note for you
"Mother, I'm sorry for taking space
Father, I'm sorry for sharing your face
Sister, I'm sorry for annoying you
Brother, I'm sorry for all I do
I've always tried to do my best
But it's never been enough
So now it's time for me to rest
Because the day's been rough
Please don't cry for me
If you will ever even see
This note I wrote today
As sadly I'm going away"

I think it's a pretty nice note
I rushed when it was wrote
But I hope they understand
They did reach out a hand
I just didn't have the strength
To cross that dizzying length
And grab onto the ledge
So now I stand here on the edge
My legs have finally stopped shaking
And my eyes are done aching

I'm crying so many tears
But I've never been more free from my fears
It's a long, long way down
But somehow, I can already feel the ground
So warm and soft, like a bed
Where I can finally rest my head
And when this note is dripping red
I will finally be dead

One more step and off I go
To the darkness down below
So if I don't see you for a while
Give my friends a nice big smile
Falling, Falling, ever fast
The time for thought has come and passed
Wait wait wait wait wait I didn't truly want this
I've finally found what it was I missed

They need me....

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