Ugh Too Quiet

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Pop one, pop two, and pop some more
Turn it up, cool it down, and sink into the floor

My muscles pulling and straining in a twisted rigor mortis,
But I swear my light is still on and the TV is so loud
My eyes, so clouded and dull, how could it have come to this
I just wanted to stand in the light and be proud
But that rattling won't leave my head
And those plastic orange bottles that always seemed so close are now miles away
Leaving me here with no miracle cure or magic fix
To sink into these cushions and fall between the cracks, never to be found until someone decides they need me again
So turn up that TV cause I can almost hear myself think
And crank the AC cause my blood's getting too warm again
Drown out the world and let me exist on the ocean floor for one more night
Completely still, with just enough pressure, that I'm not gonna break, but it won't be for sure

I popped one, popped two, then popped some more
Maxed it out, froze it whole, then sank below the floor

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