Color Drain

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The colors are just so bright
Everything feels so light
The world feels so free
Sounds roar out all around me
Red the color of my blood
Green the color of the leaves
Blue the color of the flood
Of water moving in awesome heaves
Orange the color of setting sun
Black the color of darkest night
All the colors rolled into one
On a rainbow that feels so right

The clouds are fluffy, cheerful white
Yellow the color of sun's light
Life has been so full of life
Until I ran into all this strife
I always worshipped all the colors
Especially as a child
But now things seem to freeze and stutter
And the colors are less and less wild

Gray the color of the buildings seen
Gray the color of the people around
Gray the color of misery in-between
Gray the color of the rain clouds
Everything faded to this color of gray
All those colors I watched in awe
And those rainbows that I saw
Never seemed to stay

As years passed, the color left
And now I live in a dreary scene
But I still live within this color theft
Because those clouds that I've seen
That melt color away with the rain
Also seem to alleviate some souls' pain
And those buildings that seem gray
Provide shelter for those who need somewhere to stay

Gray can be beautiful, too
Like an overcast sky on an autumn day
And one day, when those clouds go away
The light will drift back into life for you

Poems Don't Always RhymeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora