Tragic Fantasy

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My head exists in the clouds
The rivers and forests of green
Not these dreary cities and smoky shrouds
These concrete buildings and stars that can't be seen
I live in magic and whimsy
The creatures you'll never see
Not this reality that feels so flimsy
So why can't my fantasy be free?

I exist in the power of words
The lines that I can read between
Where my mind soars like birds
And my dreams can be seen
It's just so boring here
Living in a world so stale
Everyone burdened with tension and fear
And bodies so weak and frail

Those lines I can read between
Where my mind can coexist with magic
And those creatures and whimsy and rivers and forests can be seen
Oh, that world would be perfectly tragic

Poems Don't Always RhymeWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt