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As I ponder how my time is spent
And where I've come from and where I've went
And where I've stopped and where I'm going
I find that time is stuck but endless flowing

Gazing up to watch the stars
Comparing comets to racing cars
And realizing without a sound
I'm always stuck here, on the ground

Remember days like yesterday
But not tomorrow or the next day
Time is now, not beyond
A little drop in a really big pond

Staring down into the depths
Comparing bubbles to dying breaths
And realizing, again, so grand
That I'm always stuck here, upon the land

Think of memories of tomorrow
And be struck with unbidden sorrow
There are no memories for you there
Time vanishing into thin air

Watching people pass on by
Comparing strangers to buzzing flies
And realizing, watching my kind
I'm always stuck here, in my mind

No tomorrow and no past
Time has surely gone too fast
But think now to when we started
And realize the time that has departed

The now is the tomorrow of before
So we are stuck here, forevermore

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