Let Me Out

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You won't understand it
You can't understand it
The awe I feel and the yearning I have
There are no words for this feeling

I'm tired of writing it, and you're tired of reading it
But it won't leave me alone
This bubble is waiting to burst in my gut
This energy coursing down to my legs

The very sense of it makes me feel each and every heartbeat
Every boom and thump on endless repeat
I need a dream
An endless dream

Just thinking of it brings me to tears
Washes away all my deep-rooted fears
A new dream
A grand dream

I need bluer skies
I need greener grass
I need hotter fire
I need messier paths

I need it all
I'm selfish and greedy, and it feels great
I don't want money or land
I want memories

I need to be remembered
I have to be out there
To go far and wide
Without any care

I can't live without something to fight for
This sense of adventure I can't get rid of
I can't use it in this world anymore
I need a world a step above

I laugh, and I cry just thinking of it
It's so far out of reach
So I'll push down these feelings
All the way underneath

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