Chapter 10

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"Wake up!"

Clarke wakes up with a startle when ice cold water hits her in the face. She opens her eyes and immediately closes them again and pulls the soaked furs over her throbbing head, protecting her eyes from the harsh sunlight that pours into her room through the opened curtains.

"Up. Now. Commander wants to speak to you," Indra says curtly, grabbing the furs and pulling them off Clarke's shivering body.

Clarke groans, trying to get ahold of the furs that Indra is pulling off of her while simultaneously glaring at the warrior woman.

"What the hell does she want?", Clarke asks, shivering in her wet, cold clothes.

"To talk. Now get up, this isn't a request. And put on some fresh clothes. You smell like a distillery, Wanheda", she says in disgust.

Clarke slowly swings her legs out of bed, not wanting to get doused in another bucket of ice water and not wanting to be physically dragged out of bed either, hopefully maintaining the small amount of her dignity that's left.

"And hurry it up. We don't have all day", Indra adds.

Clarke throws another glare at Indra, grabbing the crutches that someone, maybe Lexa, placed within reach. She felt nauseous, her head was absolutely killing her, and she was exhausted. How long had she slept? It couldn't have been much more than three or four hours. But what little sleep she had managed to get hadn't been plagued by nightmares for the first time in a very long time. This realization put Clarke in a slightly better mood.

"Do you mind?", Clarke asks Indra, while grabbing the hem of her shirt.

Indra turns around with what seems like an eyeroll and a huff.

Clarke then pulls off her now soaking wet shirt and bra that she wore to the tavern last night, putting on a fresh set of clothes as quickly as she can, hoping the dry clothes will warm her up. She then does the same with her pants and underwear, though with a bit more effort, the material of the tight, wet jeans stubbornly clinging to her legs.

What did the Commander want from her? She would either want to talk about last night or she would want her answer from Clarke about the coalition. Clarke wasn't sure which one she liked less.

"Alright. You can turn around now. Let's go I guess."

Indra looks Clarke up and down, then turns around and says under her breath, "still smells like you soaked in a tub of alcohol, but it'll have to do."

Clarke lets out a huff at that, then follows Indra out the door on her crutches. She wouldn't be so foolish to forget those again. She didn't remember much of last night, but she did remember Lexa basically having to carry her home from the tavern after she had almost fallen, her ankle still unable to support her weight. Clarke cringed at the thought of having to be helped and touched by the Commander because she was too helpless to do it herself.

To Clarke's surprise, all Indra did was turn right outside of Clarke's room, walking over to the next room. The Commander's quarters.

Both of them walked inside after Indra knocks on the door and the warrior woman announced their presence with a simple, "Heda, Wanheda ste hir" [Commander, Wanheda is here].

Lexa walks out of what must be her bathroom in full Commander regalia, buckling up her shoulder guard.

"Mochof, Indra", Lexa says without looking up.

Taking those words as her cue to leave, Indra walks out of the room, closing the door behind her.

"Wanheda, thanks for coming", Lexa finally says finally after her shoulder guard is buckled and pulled into the right position.

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