Chapter 30

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Both women stand across from each other, unsure of what else to say or what to do. Neither one of them had expected four months to make such a big difference in their interactions with the other. Not after all both of them had been through.

"The hair... It's different. It suits you," Lexa says softly, vaguely gesturing towards Clarke. "The tattoos too. You look good."

Clarke looks at Lexa expectantly and curiously for a few seconds before responding, "Thank you. You as well. It's good to see you again."

Lexa fights all of her urges to cross the space between them both and take the blonde in her arms and kiss her senseless. Lexa was many things, but she was not a homewrecker and not a second choice.

And so, Lexa did the next best thing: she smiled at the blonde softly, sadness lingering behind her eyes, hidden only by her dark face paint and years of training.

"I hate to talk business so soon, but would you come by the throne room tomorrow afternoon so we can discuss your role here in Polis?" Lexa asks, desperately wanting to change the topic before she does something she might regret.

"Sure," the blonde answers, growing more and more impatient and confused about the twists and the turns this conversation had taken. "So, how have you been?" She adds uncertain.

"I've been good, I've missed..." Lexa coughs before she can finish the sentence, then continues, "I've missed training quite a few times with my shoulder, but I am slowly getting back into the rhythm of things."

"Do you want me to take a look at your shoulder? What's the last time you have seen my mother about it?" Clarke asks, concern now lacing her voice as she steps closer to Lexa and brings up her hand towards Lexa's shoulder.

The brunette catches Clarke's hand before it touches her shoulder and she gently pushes it down while stepping back, her shoulder blades hitting the door.

Lexa inwardly curses herself for almost telling Clarke she missed her and then not being able to come up with a better excuse than missing training because of her stupid shoulder. It really hadn't been bothering her all that much lately. It was just stiff and would be sore quicker than was normal. And when the weather was cold, it would ache dully, but it was fine. Nothing she couldn't handle.

"We should both get some sleep. Goodnight, Clarke. I'm glad you are back and doing better," Lexa says quickly before all but stumbling out of the room and rushing back to her own room where she gets ready for bed, her entire body buzzing with a nervous energy.


Clarke spent her morning unpacking and sorting through all of her clothes before meeting up with her mother for the first time in months. Her mother had almost squeezed her to death when she had seen Clarke.

She had eyed Clarke's tattoos with a look that Clarke couldn't quite place, but Clarke was sure it wasn't necessarily a positive one. But Abby had been way too happy to see her daughter again and to see her daughter doing well to even consider bringing it up. There would be plenty of time for that later she realized, and she would much rather spend this time catching up with her only child.

After about an hour, Abby got called into emergency surgery because one of the Grounder kids had broken his leg in two places after falling from a tree and it needed resetting.

That's when Clarke had made her way over to the workshop to see what Raven may be up to. She figured Monty would be attending meetings in his no longer new role as the Skaikru Ambassador.

Raven grins at Clarke widely when she sees Clarke entering her workshop and she gets up from her chair, ignoring the ache in her leg.

She opens her arms widely and says, "There she is! Looking good with the hair, hot stuff!"

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