Chapter 18

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The warm fingers against her skin curl around the hem of her shirt and pull it back down before moving up to the neckline of her sweater, pulling it over her head.

A smiling Aelia appears in front of her, and Clarke grins back at her, both acknowledging the awkwardness of the situation.

The blonde runs her hands through her hair, pushing all the loose strands back before taking out her hair tie to re-do her bun.

Aelia's eyes fall on a spot on Clarke's neck that's now no longer covered by the sweater.

"Fun night?," she says with a smirk, poking her finger at the dark purple mark.

Clarke had forgotten that Lexa had left it there last night and she opens her mouth trying to come up with a quick retort, but before she can think of something to say, a voice sounds from the shadows of the trees.

"Wanheda. Wormana," [General] Lexa says, stepping out into the sun, her shoulder guard fastened in place, her sash gently moving in the soft breeze, and her face void of emotion.

"Heda," both women say almost at the same time, taking a quick step away from each other.

Aelia walks closer to the Commander and leans her head in, her eyes cast down. With a low voice she starts, "Commander, I know what this looks like, but I was just helping her out of her sweater. You see, Wanheda got stuck. It was purely platonic and professional, that is all."

Lexa holds up a hand to stop Aelia's nervous rambling.

"Come see me in the afternoon," she says in her usual, cold voice.

Quickly, the taller woman gathers her things and makes her way back into Polis after uttering a quick goodbye to Clarke.

Lexa turns to Clarke and her eye immediately falls on the dark mark the other woman was clearly pointing at earlier. Something unreadable flashes across Lexa's face, but no words are spoken.

Clarke, becoming aware of what Lexa was looking at, crosses her arms over her chest, suddenly feeling naked under the Commander's gaze. Then, she takes a step forward, pointing her finger at Lexa's chest angrily.

"Why would you leave such a visible mark on me?! You do not own me, and people need not know what happened between us last night!"

Lexa's eyes move up over the blonde's lips and to her eyes. She is silent for another moment, then replies matter-of-factly, "I seem to recall you quite enjoyed being marked by me."

Not having any truthful response to that, Clarke deflates before stepping back again and grumbling, "If you do this to me again next time, I will hurt you."

They both realize what Clarke said at the same time, and their eyes meet for a brief moment before Clarke turns her head away, feeling her cheeks heat.

"Teik hos op," Lexa says. [Let's get going.] She takes off her shoulder guard and neatly hangs it on a branch for the second time that morning.

"Fos, shoun klin ai chit yu rein," [First, show me what you can do.] Lexa commands.

Without a second of hesitation, Clarke springs forward, swinging a fist towards the brunette's high cheekbones.

One of the first lessons Aelia had taught her was striking first in hopes of surprising your opponent. And if Lexa hadn't been such an experienced warrior, it probably would have worked, but before the fist can make contact, Lexa leans back, dodging the knuckle sandwich expertly.

"Not bad," she nods in acknowledgement, "now do it like you mean it."

Clarke knows what Lexa is doing. Lesson five; rile your opponent up. Make them make mistakes by frustrating or annoying or mocking them.

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