Chapter 239 - 240

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means It is not strong enough. The law of monsters is that the weak can prey on the strong. The strong have the right to deal with the weak at will." "

After all, Madara lives with us now and is considered a member of the family. There is no need for the rule of the weak to prey on family members." "

I don't have it. I admit that weak people are my family."

Sesshomaru became even more disdainful:

"We'll see when it regains its strength!"

"But if you continue to bully me, I really don't know if Madara can survive until the seal is released. One day."

"It depends on how tough its life is. Doesn't a cat have nine lives?"


Sesshomaru usually listens to Natsume's words, the current situation is those unusual situations, Natsume They all want to get close to other youkai. If Sesshomaru can still remain indifferent, then he will not be the noble prince of Saikuni who makes humans and youkai tremble.

——Poor Madara, I can only help you so far.

Hearing that Sesshomaru had no intention of compromising, Natsume could only make herself pay more attention to Madara in the future, so as not to let Madara really get killed.


"Madara is not a cat demon."

Natsume corrected Sesshomaru's mistake.

"No matter what it was before, it is a cat demon now."

Sesshomaru did not change his words, with a childish stubbornness.

The corner of Natsume's mouth twitched, and she once again mourned for a few tenths of a second of silence for poor Madara -

is it because he is too weak now that his own race has to be changed? Madara only has the body of a Lucky Cat because of the seal. He is not a weak animal like Lucky Cat!

Besides, there is no lucky cat in this world, whether it is an ordinary animal or a monster!

Just when Natsume and Sesshomaru were discussing what kind of Madara was, the school arrived.

"Are you waiting for me in the car or..."

Natsume did not get out of the car immediately, but asked for Sesshomaru's opinion. For Natsume, Sesshomaru was obviously much more important than any public class.

"I'll go up there. Just come to me after class."

Sesshomaru pointed to the teaching building through the window. "That's up there" refers to the rooftop. It's just that Sesshomaru is not that familiar with modern times now. Some I haven’t mastered the vocabulary yet.

"Rooftop? That's fine."

Natsume nodded, without any objection. In fact, when Sesshomaru said he would come to accompany her to school, Natsume knew that he would not really come to the classroom with her. No matter how privileged Natsume was, today After all, the situation was special, so Natsume felt that it was better not to be too high-profile.

But when it comes to the rooftop, Natsume's mind unconsciously flashes the figure of another boy. That guy also likes the rooftop and can even sleep on it for the whole day. Do strong people like high places?

Anyway, he doesn't have that much love for Tiantai.


confirming the meeting place, Natsume got off the car with Sesshomaru, but before Sesshomaru left, Natsume gave him a few final instructions: "The open class will be the first class in the morning. I will go find him after the class is over

Rebirth of Natsume: Demon Love [Comprehensive Manga]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin