Chapter 217 - 218

Start from the beginning

wasn't he fine just now? Why did it become like this just after sitting in the car? Can we still have fun together?

In fact, Natsume also knew in his heart that getting these two stubborn and arrogant monsters to live in harmony was indeed a long and arduous task, and it was not even easier than when he came back from Soul Society!

But no matter how difficult it is, you have to try. If nothing happens, these two monsters will stay with you for the rest of your life!


"What's wrong with you two?"

Natsume looked at Tomoe in front, then at Sesshomaru behind, and said angrily: "

Or do you really have to decide the winner in order to get along well?"

Natsume was still worried at first. Did something happen to Tomoe, but when Sesshomaru also started to feel uncomfortable, he no longer worried. Since it was still a problem between the two of them, there was no need to rush to solve it.

"I just think that a certain monster can even wear a seat belt, which is a bit embarrassing to us monsters."

Ba Wei put away his nails and said pointedly.

"Ha, the fox monster who pretends to be a human every day and mixes among humans and forgets the pride of monsters is the real shame!"

Sesshomaru said not to be outdone.

"If you have the ability, go back to the Warring States Period. Then you can still be an aloof monster."

Tomoe glanced around Sesshomaru in the rearview mirror, and the corner of his mouth curled up with a mocking arc:

" Since you want to stay in modern times, just follow the local customs, otherwise Xiaozhi will be the one in trouble in the end."

Tomoe took Natsume out, and Sesshomaru was immediately speechless.

Yes, if you want to live freely, you can really only live in the Warring States Period. The world here is completely different from hundreds of years ago. Monsters have long withdrawn from the stage of history. If you want to live safely here, you really need to make some changes. and compromise.

This was a compromise and sacrifice that had to be made in order to stay with Natsume, so Sesshomaru naturally had no way to refute.

When he saw Sesshomaru really shut up, Tomoe didn't feel any sense of victory at all. Sesshomaru's behavior just expressed one meaning - he valued Natsume very much, and he might really never leave in the future

. I will stay at home and live with myself and Natsume!

This is not good news.

Originally, having one more Madara in the family already made Tomoe feel uncomfortable, but after all, he appeared as a lucky cat, and Tomoe could see that Natsume valued him more than Madara.

However, now that Sesshomaru is added, there is no way to keep Tomoe indifferent. He is a powerful enemy!


matter what Sesshomaru and Tomoe are thinking in their hearts, one thing is the eternal theme -

that is, never make Natsume angry!

Therefore, when he saw Natsume's expression becoming lighter and lighter as the two monsters of his "conversed", the two monsters looked at each other and shut up at the same time in a tacit understanding.

--There are many people coming.

Sesshomaru and Tomoe read this idiom in each other's eyes at the same time.

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