
out With one word, Natsume's ears twitched, and his face changed instantly:

"Be careful, Gin!"


Natsume suddenly reached out and grabbed Ichimaru Gin's waist and jumped to the side. Just as the two of them landed, the place where Ichimaru Gin was standing just now The place suddenly exploded from below, and a Hollow emerged from underneath.

"What's going on? Why is there a Kyon here?"

Ichimaru Gin's face was ugly. He didn't notice anything just now. If Natsume hadn't pulled him away in time, he would have become Kyon's meal.

Ichimaru Gin could see it clearly. The mouth of the Hollow was very big. Just now it jumped out from under it with its mouth wide open. If Natsume hadn't pulled him away, what would have happened to him... Thinking of that outcome, Ichimaru Gin's expression turned natural

. It doesn’t look good.

"It's really strange for Kyon to appear here."

Natsume frowned. This place is far away from the residential area. Even if Kyon came from Hueco Mundo, he would not choose such an uninhabited place.

The IQ of such low-level virtual beings is actually very limited. They are driven by instinct to move towards places with more souls. After all, for them, souls are their food.

Especially since this Hollow came out of the ground, it was obviously waiting for someone to take the bait. If Hollow had such a high IQ, Soul Society might have been annexed by Hueco Mundo!

However, this is not the main reason why Natsume frowns. What makes Natsume really serious is another discovery, that is... there is

more than one Hollow underground!

In other words, he and Ichimaru Gin did not fall into a trap by a Hollow, but fell into a circle surrounded by a group of Hollows!

Natsume was a little annoyed. If he hadn't been distracted by explaining his future plans to Ichimaru Gin just now, he would have noticed these ambush Hollows earlier, instead of only noticing them after entering the encirclement!

Now it is not a simple matter to get out of here safely. If he is the only one, it is still possible, but he also has to protect Gin Ichimaru, who has limited combat power, so it is hard to say what the outcome will be today.

The reason for being so pessimistic is that Natsume has discovered that these Hollows are unusual. Although they have not yet reached the level of Great Hollows, they are far superior to ordinary Hollows in terms of wisdom and flexibility.

There are dozens of these Hollows around now!

It looks like there's going to be a tough battle today.


"Be careful where you step, Gin, the ground around here is full of voids, at least dozens of them."

Natsume said, without taking his hands off Ichimaru Gin's waist, although fighting with only one hand would make him The combat effectiveness is reduced, but if Ichimaru Gin is let go, Natsume is really worried that he will be eaten by a hollow that suddenly emerges from the ground.

Therefore, even if it is a little harder, Natsume's first thought is to ensure the safety of Gin Ichimaru.

Ichimaru Gin is not stupid, or to be more precise, he is very smart, so after listening to Natsume's words, he understood why Natsume didn't let him go.

Ichimaru Gin is naturally moved and happy that Natsume values ​​him so much, but if he becomes Natsume's burden, it will definitely not be a happy thing!

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