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*As we continued to walk, my mind raced with what the beast had said. Everything else suddenly seemed unimportant; the only thing that mattered was finding out why the beast had mentioned the tower. It had to be part of this whole thing.*

*"What do you think the tower has to do with everything?"* I asked Sam, and he nodded at me.

*"It has to be the key," I continued. "It's the missing piece, and just as I said this, something began to click.

*"If the beast said that the ones who would save the kingdom were here, then that must mean that the ones who would destroy it are too. Which means the tower has to be tied in."*

*Just as I said this, I felt a rush of excitement course through my body. This was it. The missing piece, the key to the whole story, and as I ran my fingers over the smooth stone of the tower, I felt a sense of confidence fill me.*

*"We're on the right path."

*As we continued to walk, Sam and I started to plan what we would do next. It was clear that the tower was important to this whole mystery, and just as we came up with our plan, we decided to make our way back to our kingdom and see if they had any answers.*

*We were confident that this was a path worth exploring, and as we walked back towards the castle, I felt a sense of excitement fill me. We had done something incredible, and just as we approached the gates of the kingdom, I knew that this was only the beginning.

*As soon as we entered the kingdom, we could feel something in the air. It was a sense of dread, and just as we looked around, we could see people walking with concern on their faces. As we approached the palace, we saw guards with their weapons drawn, and as we came closer, we heard them discussing something in somber tones.*

*It was a scene straight out of a mystery novel, and as we stepped inside, I felt a sense of urgency fill me. Whatever was happening here, I knew we needed to find out what it was.*

*As Sam and I walked towards the center of the city, I could see a group of merchants gathering around someone, and as we got closer, I realized that it was the king. He was speaking with a group of representatives, and as we approached, I started to listen in.*

*"What I'm saying is very simple," the king was saying. "As many of you know, there have been a lot of strange happenings throughout our kingdom, and now, there appears to be a threat to our safety."*

*Sam and I were both quiet as we listened to the king speak, and just as he looked over at us, I saw a sense of sadness in his eyes. He was speaking with a tone of urgency, but at the same time, he seemed exhausted by the thought of what was happening.*

*And as he continued to talk, I saw a look pass over the group of merchants around him. Some of them nodded, while others looked unsure, and just as he finished speaking, I saw a merchant step forward.

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