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*As I watched, a new feeling settled over me. I was no longer afraid, and just as I stepped forward, so did the beast. Just as it was about to make the first move, Sam put his hand on my arm.*

*"Let's try something," he whispered to me, and I nodded at him. We were ready for whatever was coming our way.*

*Just as Sam turned to face the beast again, I felt a burst of energy fill me, and suddenly, I found myself staring at it directly in the eyes.

*Our eyes locked onto each other, and I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. Sam was quiet, his hand still on my arm, and I could feel myself trembling slightly. But as I watched the beast's eyes, I could see something else, something I had never seen before.*

*I saw curiosity, and I saw a desire to learn. But most of all, I saw intelligence in those eyes, and I knew that this beast was not going to attack us. Instead, I could feel it wanting to speak to us.

*Just as I realized this, the beast let out a low rumbling sound. I watched as its mouth moved in a way that almost made it seem as though it was trying to speak. Sam stepped forward, his eyes still fixed on the beast as he tried to figure out what it wanted.*

*"Can you understand us?" he asked, and just as he said this, the beast nodded its head. It was as though we could understand each other, even without words.*

*Both Sam and I were stunned. This was not what we had expected, but just as we were about to speak, the beast cut us off.*

*"You are not the ones," it boomed, its voice louder than we had expected. But just as the words settled in, we saw a look come over the beast's face. And then, it spoke again.*

*"You are looking for the ones," it said, and now, its voice was clearer, and it spoke with a sense of urgency.*

*Just as the beast spoke, Sam looked over at me and nodded. "It's looking for someone," he said, his voice filled with a sense of excitement. "Let's see what else it has to say."*

*And as the beast spoke again, we both began to listen closely as we tried to figure out what it meant.*

*"A threat to the kingdom," it said, its voice low but filled with urgency. "The one who will save it is here. And the ones who will destroy it are too."*

*Just as Sam and I looked at each other, the beast let out another low roar, and as it did, its words sunk in. The beast had warned us about two things, the same things that were happening in our kingdom. And just as we were about to speak, the beast nodded. It had confirmed our suspicions, and just as I turned to look at Sam, I already knew what he was thinking.*

*We had found our first mystery, and just as the beast turned to leave, Sam and I looked back at each other... and we knew that this was the start of something incredible.*

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