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*I looked up at the figure in front of me, its words still ringing in my ears. The figure was still a mystery to me in many ways, but I was beginning to gain an understanding of its presence and its intentions.*

*As I continued to look up at the figure, I noticed something different about them. Their eyes were a deep, purple, almost unnaturally purple. I had never seen anything like it before. I felt a hint of curiosity fill me as I studied their face more closely.

*I noticed that the figure seemed to be wearing a black cape, the fabric floating in the wind, as if it had a mind of its own. I looked up to the figure's face once again, searching for clues about who it really was. I couldn't quite make out the figure's features, the shadows hiding them from me. But the figure's eyes, its deep purple eyes, held my gaze, almost as if they were trying to pierce my soul. There was something about the figure that intrigued me, and I felt like I had to know more.

*I was about to say something to the figure, when its face suddenly turned away from me, its eyes shifting to something across the lake.*

*I turned to follow its gaze, and I saw something in the distance. It was another figure, standing beside a stone bridge that crossed the lake, its face buried in a dark cloak and its eyes fixed on the horizon.*

*"Who is that?"*,

*I whispered to the figure in front of me and the wind carried my voice through the storm. But the figure didn't seem to hear me.

*I could see the figure on the bridge move, its head pivoting to look towards us. I felt the storm grow even stronger, its wind blowing harder now. But I couldn't take my eyes off the figure standing on the bridge, its figure almost ghostly in the storm.*

*After a moment, the figure on the bridge looked up at us again, its dark expression visible under its hood. I felt the wind begin to fade and the rain stop as I realized that I could see the bridge more clearly now. I looked back over at the figure in front of me and saw its eyes staring back at me.

*I stood there, my eyes darting between the figure on the bridge and the figure in front of me. The rain had stopped now, and the wind seemed to die down as I watched the two figures stand opposite each other across the lake. I could hear the thunder rumbling overhead, and I felt a tension growing between the two figures.*

*"What's going on?"*,

*I asked the figure in front of me, but it didn't respond, its eyes still fixed on the figure on the bridge. I watched as the figure on the bridge stepped forward, its dark cloak billowing in the wind.

*I turned to see Sam standing beside me, his face filled with concern. I felt the tension growing, and I knew that something big was about to happen.*

*"We have to leave. Now,"*

*Sam said, his voice urgent and worried. I looked back over at the figure on the bridge, its eyes fixed on us. The figure didn't move, its face still hidden by its hood. I felt a hint of dread fill me as I looked back to Sam, his face filled with worry. But I knew that he was right.

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