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*The beast seemed to ponder my words, its face changing as it tried to make sense of what I had said. And then, it lowered its head, its eyes slowly blinking as it looked from me to Sam and back to me once more.*

*"I am a symbol," it said, its voice deep and rumbling. "A reflection of a dark place within your mind."*

*It let out another roar, its eyes suddenly glowing with energy.*

*"I am what happens when fear takes control, when you allow it to overcome you."

*Sam looked at me, his eyes filled with concern. "What do you think it's trying to say?" he whispered, and just as I was about to answer, the beast spoke up again.*
*It took a deep breath, and now, a warm breeze filled the air.*

*"Fear is not something you can control," it said, its voice now a little less rumbling and a little more like a whisper. "It is a part of you. You can let it rule your life, or you can face it."

*I looked at the beast, my own heart starting to pound in my chest. I was afraid, but now, I felt a sense of understanding. And that sense of understanding filled me with courage. I wasn't afraid of this beast anymore, because I understood what it was and what it meant.*
*"We face our fears every day," Sam said, his voice now steady and full of resolve. "We just have to learn that we can overcome them."*
*Just then, the air seemed to fill with a strange sense of calm.

*The beast stood still, its eyes focusing on us. And as it did, I felt the air fill with a strange sense of lightness, as if I was floating in the calm. I looked over, and I could see Sam standing there, his eyes filled with peace and serenity.*
*I turned back towards the beast and spoke.*
*"You're right," I said, my voice now steady and calm. "Fear is a part of us, but it's not something we have to let control us."

*And just as the words left my mouth, I watched as the beast bowed its head, its face changing as it seemed to process what I had said. And as it did, I could feel my own face beginning to change. It was as though the beast had taken my fear, and in its place, left me with courage.*

*And as the beast let out a long, low roar, I felt Sam take my hand. "Let's face your fear," he said, his voice filled with determination. "We'll solve this together."

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