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*Sam was still staring at the figure, his eyes filled with joy and confusion. He reached up and squeezed the figure's hand again, and it squeezed back even harder.*

*"You... you missed me, too. I knew you still loved me,"*

*Sam's words were filled with emotion, but now the first figure stepped closer and spoke up.*

*"Sam, this isn't real."*

*Sam's eyes went wide, and he squeezed the figure's hand even tighter.*

*"What... what do you mean?"

*"This isn't real, Sam. You have to trust me." The figure's voice was filled with concern, but now Sam's eyes were filled with anger and confusion.*

*"No, that's not true. You're lying."*

*The figure shook its head, a look of panic running across its face.*

*"No, I'm not lying. It's not real, Sam. It's not real."*

*Sam stepped forward, his eyes filled with rage as he reached up and squeezed the figure's hand tighter.*

*Sam's grip tightened around the figure's hand, and I could see the pain on the figure's face as he tried to pull away from Sam's grip. But Sam wasn't having it, and he squeezed even tighter, his eyes filled with rage.*

*"Let me go, damn it!" the figure screamed.*

*"This isn't real! You're not real! None of this is real!"*

*Sam continued to squeeze the figure's hand, a look of blind anger on his face as he began to lose himself in this false reality. And then, the figure struck back.

*"Let me go!"*

*The figure's voice shook with pain as it struck at Sam, trying to break through his grip and escape. But Sam just held on tighter, the anger in his eyes continuing to grow as he refused to see the truth.*

*"No! You're a liar! You're not real, you're not real, you're not real!" Sam screamed.*

*"Let go! Let go of me!"*

*Sam squeezed tighter, his grip not weakening as he continued to deny what was in front of him.

*Sam squeezed harder, the figure's pleas for help growing more desperate with each passing moment. But then, Sam felt a hand on his shoulder.*

*"Sam, stop. Listen to me."*

*Sam felt the first figure's hand on his shoulder, and he turned to look at the figure. And even though it hadn't been very long, he immediately noticed the difference between them. The first figure was soft and warm, and there was a kindness to her features.*

*"Let go, Sam. Listen to me."*

*Sam squeezed the figure's hand tighter, his rage slowly turning into fear and confusion. But then, he finally let go.*

*"What... what's going on here?"*

*Sam's voice shook with emotion as he turned to face the figure. The figure looked at him, the kindness and warmth still present on her face.*

*"Sam, it's me."*

*Sam stepped forward slowly, his eyes glued to the figure's face as he took in everything about her.*

*"What... what do you mean, it's you? Who are you?"

*Sam stepped forward, the confusion and anger still present on his face.*

*"But you... you can't be...."*

*The figure stepped closer, the warmth in her voice growing stronger as she spoke.*

*"It is me, Sam. I am who you've always known me to be."*

*Sam's face went from confusion and anger, to joy and happiness. He stepped forward quickly, wrapping his arms around the figure and embracing them tightly, the tears finally falling from his eyes.

*"You... you're back,"*

*Sam's voice was quiet, his words filled with surprise and joy. The figure wrapped their arms around him, their smile spreading as they hugged Sam tightly and held him close.*

*"I told you I would always come back to you, Sam. And now I'm here."*

*"But... but this... this isn't real, is it?"*

*Sam's words were filled with genuine questions and concern. The figure nodded, their smile fading as they let go of Sam.*

*"No, Sam, it's not real."

*I watched as Sam finally looked up, his eyes filled with happiness as he wrapped his arms around the figure. For a moment, everything seemed to be alright, but then Sam's face suddenly went from joy to confusion and fear as the figure pulled away and told him that this wasn't real.*

*And then the figure turned and looked at me, the kindness in its face fading as it shook its head.*

*"This isn't real, Jake. None of this is real."

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