Chapter 147

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Because the merchant ship had to stay in Yangzhou County for two full days, everyone had a whole day to relax the next day.

However, most people will not go too far to play on this day. Instead, they all choose to go to various restaurants, snack shops and other places that sell food to buy food that can be stored for a long time and prepare to take it back to the ship to eat to cope with the coming month. Boat trip.

There's nothing that can be done about it. The chefs on merchant ships are average in skills, and because of limited materials, the dishes they make don't really taste that good, and they're also expensive.

If you want to cook it yourself, the boat is made of wood, and even candles are not allowed to be easily lit. How can you cook? Only a dedicated kitchen can provide hot food and hot water.

So taking advantage of the break, everyone is buying dry food.

Lin Ze was the same, taking everyone shopping while buying all kinds of food that could be stored. The food they brought out from Nanyang Town was almost eaten, and the only things left in their luggage were chocolate peanut candies and other snacks for these children.

There is also Lin Dongdong's milk, which must be supplemented. Fresh milk cannot be stored for long, but it can be fermented into yogurt and can be drunk until it reaches the capital, otherwise the child's nutrition will not be able to keep up.

This preparation basically took almost the same amount of time on the second day. In the morning of the third day, we went to the restaurant to pack two fresh meals, and everyone had to rush to board the ship and continue the journey.

When they were queuing up to board the boat, they didn't see Dou Ying's cousin and his wife, and they didn't know whether they were having so much fun in Yangzhou County that they forgot the time to board the boat, or they simply stayed in Yangzhou County Zhangliu.

Anyway, he didn't care about their affairs, so Lin Ze didn't care much.

The days on the ship were still boring, but scholars like Lin Ze who were rushing to take exams had a lot to do, so they took the time to read and review.

Because there is a good teacher to help focus on the key points, Lin Ze's review is very purposeful and directional.

According to 'Teacher Han', the focus of this year's Imperial Examination is still the same as that of the Provincial Examination, focusing on arithmetic and policy theory. His Majesty's purpose of opening Enke this time is to select a wave of people to directly fill the positions of ministers who were previously eliminated. .

So this time for Enke, it doesn't matter if you are not good at poetry and poetry. As long as you are strong enough in work, your chances of passing the exam are very high.

Lin Ze is very confident in this regard. He is a practical person, but he is not so confident that he thinks he is the best in the world. Although he has advanced knowledge in modern times, there are also many talents in ancient times.

Therefore, Lin Ze still reviewed very seriously, reading human geography books from various places every day, and then communicating with the merchants and sailors on the ship about the customs of the world.

Don't look at these as miscellaneous books. If the general examination really tests the ability to do things, then a current event will definitely be used for the candidates to analyze and solve.

What can be said about the current affairs of the imperial court? Isn't it just a problem that cannot be solved by governing the country in various places? If you don't even know the local customs, humanities and geography, how can you find a way to solve it? The answers written out are just words on paper and do not match reality.

Agricultural examination: making money, taking exams, and supporting the familyWhere stories live. Discover now