Chapter 95

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After being punished on the first day of school, all the students were honest when we met again the next day.

Especially the young businessmen who were severely starved. After experiencing the taste of hunger, they no longer acted stupidly and took advantage of their stomachs. When eating in the morning, they ran faster than the three special admissions students from the village.

However, this speed was obtained in exchange for a slovenly appearance without washing their face or brushing their teeth. Being served by maids and servants at home all year round, these young men's ability to take care of themselves is extremely low.

Because I was not used to sleeping in a new place, I naturally woke up late in the middle of the night. As soon as I got up, I heard the ringing of the dinner bell, which scared these young young men who had just woken up to death.

Thinking of yesterday, I could only stare at the dishwashing water. I couldn't care less about it at the moment. I jumped out of bed, approved some clothes and hurried to the canteen. I was very happy that I didn't undo my hair when I went to bed last night!

Fortunately, Lin Ze still lives in the village and wouldn't come so early in the morning. Otherwise, he might do something poisonous again when he sees such a scene.

Since Lin Ze spent a lot of money planning the dining hall, the school prepared very well for meals.

Steamed buns, boiled eggs, fried dough sticks, pancakes and soy milk, you can choose whatever you like as long as you don't waste it. Finally, there is a fixed glass of fresh milk.

In modern times, breakfast is a very common breakfast, but here it is very rich and delicious. It may not be as luxurious as the luxurious meals of rich people, but it is definitely nutritious and filling.

It's not unusual for young merchants, but Granny Zhang's cooking skills are good and she was taught by Lin Ze, so the food tastes very good, which makes them enjoy the food.

Not to mention the special admissions students from the village. The food in the private school is better for their family than the holidays. There is no reason not to love it. The food can only be described as wolfing down.

This picture of eating made the young merchants laugh at them, but the special admissions students in the village did not show any weakness. They did not feel inferior because they came out of the village. The children who could be selected by Lin Ze would not be weak, so they immediately laughed at them. Who said young men have problems with their ability to take care of themselves? They are sloppy!

So in the end, both sides were half-hearted.

After several quarrels, in less than two days, everyone became familiar with each other, even though everyone was at odds with each other.

Lin Ze arrived at the private school at nine o'clock in the morning. This was the official class time arranged by him, but according to the rules, there was early reading, so the students took a rest and went to the classroom shortly after breakfast, with monitor Guo Zian watching over them. Read early.

This was decided by Lin Ze immediately after everyone introduced themselves yesterday. Although Guo Zian's expression was dull and silly, his behavior was definitely sharp.

Moreover, this kid has the aura to control the field and is definitely the best candidate to be the squad leader. As for the opponent's slow behavior, he will slowly correct it in the future.

He would definitely not get up later than these children in the early morning. The decoration of the dessert shop was much more complicated than that of a private school, and it would still take a few days to be completed, so he and Zhang now had to prepare things in advance in the village before getting them as before. Come to town.

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