Chapter 4

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Zhang didn't listen, and Lin Ze didn't force it.

After all, he can't explain to the other party right now that he is not the original 'Lin Ze'.

Seeing Zhang's fearful and defensive look, Lin Ze temporarily gave up the communication and silently wet the handkerchief to help wipe himself.

There is no bathtub or shower here. Many places cannot be cleaned by the other party alone. Someone needs help, which he just ignored.

When he wiped it on his body and arms, Zhang could barely hold back his fear and let him move. When Lin Ze's hand moved to that embarrassing place, Zhang trembled, and finally couldn't help but shrink back again.

He regretted it after he finished shrinking the chapter. His movements were obviously resistant and rebellious. This was definitely a temper-challenging behavior for 'Lin Ze'.

He quickly made up for it and explained, "It's dirty there, I, I'll wipe it myself..."

As Zhang spoke, he carefully observed Lin Ze's reaction so that he could take action to protect himself from being beaten at any time. However, he didn't want to be naked and look like a frightened deer. He didn't want to hit him, but wanted to overwhelm him.

Lin Ze's eyes darkened and he didn't take out the veil.

"Don't move, you can't see, I'll wipe it for you."

His tone was strong and he could not refuse, and the hand that was still slowly wiping his body quickly moved to the place where he was being tortured.

He did everything he should do and shouldn't do last night, and there was nothing pretentious about it now. He was helping his future wife wipe her body. Yes, wiping her body was a very serious thing.


Zhang's face turned red, and his shame finally outweighed his fear of 'Lin Ze'.

Zhang didn't know how other couples in the village got along, but subconsciously he felt that this situation was more shameful than what happened last night.

Especially since it was still daytime, and Lin Ze was staring at him with dark, unmoving, serious eyes that were acting like a rogue.

Zhang didn't know what to do at all and was a little at a loss.

Lin Ze caught a glimpse of his red face and green reaction, and felt inexplicably good.

I thought to myself that this little guy has a talent for seducing people. He has always been relatively stoic, but when he met this boy today, he had already had evil thoughts countless times. His blushing and bewildered look was so cute.

But now he finally saw Zhang's appearance clearly.

The original person had never looked directly at Zhang, and his memory was vague. Just now, he just glanced at it and thought it was quite handsome, the type he liked.

Looking carefully now, Lin Ze found that the boy was even more beautiful than his first impression.

In addition to the fact that her skin has turned into a wheat color due to working in the countryside all year round, she has delicate facial features, lips that are neither too thin nor too thick, and beautiful pink eyes with a cool black light in her pupils, which is very beautiful.

If he were placed in modern times, this boy would definitely be discovered by a talent scout and signed for a contract.

Especially the red cinnabar mole between the eyebrows that represents the younger brother's identity, which adds a bit of color. Apart from saying it looks good, Lin Ze really doesn't know what specific words to use to describe it.

Agricultural examination: making money, taking exams, and supporting the familyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz