Chapter 67

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Everyone has basically heard about Lin Ze opening a private school for a long time.

Especially the people in the village have been waiting for a long time, because the last time Linze Yamen sued, when he asked everyone to help bear witness, he said that in the future, private schools would be opened, and children in the village would be able to study for free every month.

God knows how difficult it is for poor people to learn and read. How can we not seize such a good opportunity?

For this reason, the villagers were also very knowledgeable and took the initiative to put in good words for Lin Ze after returning from watching the excitement in the Yamen. Lin Ze's affairs could be spread throughout the dozens of miles of Nanyang Town in just two or three days, except for those he hired himself. Beggars and homeless people, the villagers also made great efforts.

So today Lin Ze kept his word. According to the agreement, his private school would provide free courses for several days every month to the children of the villagers who had helped him last time.

"Lin Ze's abilities are limited and there is only so much he can do. I hope everyone will not dislike it. As long as the children study hard and attend four days of free lessons every month, they will be able to learn simple literacy when they grow up..."

In fact, Lin Ze had plans to set up free open classes, and he was just going along with the flow of favors to the villagers.

After all, reputation is too important to scholars. If his private school wants to accept businessmen's children, people will definitely be criticized, so he must find a way to change the image of the private school, and a good reputation is the best way.

The villagers are obviously very satisfied with this.

Making children literate without spending any money is simply pie-in-the-sky bargains. Anyone who has any objections is really ungrateful.

Lin Ze was happy to see the result, his smile became more friendly, and he continued to pave the way for the subsequent plan.

"However, Lin Ze also came from a poor family and became a scholar. He knows that children like us in the village are not stupid in nature, but are limited by the environment. For many years, my father has provided for my brother's education, and the villagers have taken care of him in every possible way. So now, Lin Ze I also want to do my best for the village..."

"Due to the teaching method, my private school cannot have too many students. Therefore, I currently only accept 12 students. The age cannot exceed 12 years old, regardless of family background. There are also 3 special admissions quotas."

"The so-called special enrollment is specially set up for poor children in the village. There will be an examination for the private school admissions. As long as the children in the village can pass, they will be exempted from the tuition fee. At that time, they will take the scientific examination. The private school will also provide student loans to the poor children in the village. There is also an opportunity for a carp to leap over the dragon's gate."

After Lin Ze finished speaking, the scene fell into silence for a full minute.

It took a long time before village chief Li Laofu's eyes turned red and his voice trembled, "Lin, Lin Ze, are everything you said true?"

As Lin Ze said, the fact that a poor village like Heba Village has not produced a single figure for 180 years is not because of bad feng shui, or because people don't work hard, but because the environment is limited and everyone is so poor that they are just above the food and clothing line. Wandering, without the resources to fight.

Agricultural examination: making money, taking exams, and supporting the familyWhere stories live. Discover now