Chapter 126

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The little devils went out, and there were no classes in private school, so time was suddenly freed up.

Taking advantage of this time, Lin Ze planned to take Zhang to the county town to take a shopping trip and take a break, and also to see his brother.

He, the younger brother I met halfway, looks quiet, but once he gets acquainted, he also likes to be lively. Perhaps he hasn't made any good friends in the county, so he has people come here every now and then to deliver letters and things, and write letters and chat with Zhang. What a joy.

My brother got pregnant first, and now her belly is very big. She is expected to give birth during the Chinese New Year. She cannot move around easily, so they can only go over to visit.

Jiang Rongniang also wanted to go over to see her son, but the houses in the village were being built in full swing and needed people to watch over them. Lin Sangui was also careless. She didn't feel comfortable leaving, so she could only regretfully make some snacks that her son loved and pretend to be a farmer. Let Lin Ze bring the things together.

In fact, you can buy things like free-range chickens and eggs from outside, but as a mother, you always feel that the things outside are not as good as those at home.

Lin Ze could only hold his head and lead a group of chirping chickens and ducks on the road.

When they arrived at the county seat, Duan Wensai was still working in the Yamen. Only his brother and his maid were in the other courtyard.

"Brother, Ah!"

Seeing the sudden arrival of Lin Ze and the others, my brother was so happy that he immediately got up from the soft chair, holding his belly, and looked like he was about to run away, which made the maidservant beside him turn pale with fright.

Nowadays, all the maids and wives in other courtyards were bought by Duan Wensai. I don't know the details of the Duan family's capital or the master's past. I only know that the master loves this husband very much. They can do anything wrong, but they must not Make a mistake in serving your husband and master, otherwise you will definitely be doomed.

The husband is almost 6 months old. It is a critical moment, so how can he run around so recklessly?

"Brother, my husband and I are here to see you!"

Zhang was so happy when he saw the person that he wanted to run over. After Luo Geer, he was the second person he fell in love with. During this time, they wrote letters to each other and chatted happily. It was inevitable to be excited when they met.

Lin Ze's eyes were so frightened that he quickly moved his hands, "You two, slow down, my two ancestors..."

The right hand supports the daughter-in-law, the left hand holds the younger brother, two pregnant husbands and two great ancestors.

"Brother, don't be afraid. It doesn't matter. Our stomachs are not made of ceramics. Don't let me move like the young master. I've been bored these days."

The feeling of being cared for by an older brother is very novel and likes it, but he is also helpless because the older brother treats him like a porcelain doll, just like the young master. The sky will fall if he moves even a little bit. He won't let him go out, even in the yard. Let him shop more.

Zhang Shen felt the same way, feeling the same grievance and even more resentful.

"Brother, you don't know that your brother is scarier than your young master. He made me a wheelchair for me to sit in! By the way, he also made one for you..."

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