Chapter 96

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After playing physical games for half the morning, the students were all hungry at noon.

The special students in the village still ate very well. The young merchants were too hungry and felt that the food in the private school seemed good, so they unknowingly ate a lot more than at home.

Fang Shanyuan secretly smacked his lips at the food provided by the private school. Hearing Lin Ze say that the food would be of the same standard every day, he didn't know what to say.

He originally thought that Lin Ze had the ability, but he must still be greedy for money, otherwise Lin Ze would not dare to speak for a few hundred taels.

But after entering the private school, he realized that what he knew was only one-sided.

Whether it is the teaching facilities or the attitude of providing meals in the canteen, Ze Private School is unmatched by other private schools. Even if they do the same thing, Fang Shanyuan does not think that those masters are willing to spend so much money on providing meals for students. funding.

They eat white rice, meat dishes, milk and fruits every day. This is a life that most people living in the town cannot afford. This shows how much money Lin Ze spent here.

A gentleman loves his money and gets it in the right way. Brother Lin has implemented this sentence to the end. It is no wonder that those cunning merchants are willing to be tricked by Brother Lin.

Fang Shanyuan sighed in his heart.


Zhang and Zheng Xiaoluo, who had finished selling bread and snacks at the street corner, also returned to the school's canteen to eat. Since they were all in town anyway, the food at other restaurants was not as good as their canteen, so Lin Ze naturally asked them to come over to eat.

Besides, there was his wife inside, so how could Lin Ze be willing to let him eat non-nutritious food from outside, and he could open a small stove for his wife when he was free.

Grandma Zhang said last time that her body was very exhausted in the early years, and if she didn't make up for it, it would be difficult to have children in the future. He didn't care, but Zhang really wanted a child, and they were very cooperative in the matter of replenishing their health. The couple showed off their affection. .

Zheng Xiaoluo looked extremely envious.

This hateful guy Lin Ze knew that he was lazy to show off his affection, so he assigned all the work of traveling long distances to his husband-in-law. He also had Brother Xiang Feng to run outside from dawn to dusk all day long. During this time, the couple had no time to get in touch with each other. Communicated, really!

But what is a little comforting is that the salary Lin Ze gave his husband was indeed Hou Daowen. Although his husband was tired, at the current rate of saving money, their family would be able to build a new house and hold two happy events in the coming year.

After a lively lunch, the students returned to their dormitories for a lunch break.

Zheng Xiaoluo and others returned to the village to knead the bread balls to be sold tomorrow and help with work at home. After the autumn harvest, the fields had to be fertilized so that they could continue to sow the next crop. Farmers had little free time throughout the year.

Moreover, Lin Ze planned to plant a large amount of sugar beets. Others did not know what he was going to do, but Lin Ze expressed his intention to purchase them. A relatively foresighted group of people in the village gritted their teeth and decided to replant wheat and rice next year instead of planting the sugar beets that Lin Ze needed.

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