Chapter 6

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"What? Separate the family and break up the relationship!"

This time it was Lin Sangui's turn to be anxious.

Even if the family is separated, although there is a saying in the countryside that "the family will not be separated when the parents are together", but the tree is still branching, it does not mean that the family will be separated when the children grow up. As long as the family is willing, no one will say anything.

But breaking up the relationship is different. How big of a gap does it take to break up the relationship? Moreover, it is the son's initiative. If the news spreads, it will poke the spine for the rest of his life!

"Brother Ze, although your mother is trouble-free, there are no quarrels and frictions in any family. What will you do if you want to divorce your father? How will you go to the scientific examination after word spreads..."

Lin Sangui wasn't angry, just anxious and scared.

He and Chen Shuju were married. If the eldest son wanted to break off the relationship with his mother-in-law, he would have to be married to him. How could he let the eldest son disown him?

"Dad, if I don't break up with you, I will break up with my mother and my second brother. I just break up with them so that I can still take the scientific examination in the future. If I don't do this, I'm afraid I won't even know how I will die in the future. "

Lin Ze understood Lin Sangui's mood, and he didn't want to break off his relationship with Lin Sangui.

Although he is not the original person, he cannot really treat Lin Sangui as his biological father in a short period of time, but now that he has become 'Lin Ze', whether he is willing or not, he has to carry on the grudges left by the original person.

He could easily get rid of the trouble caused by a grudge, but he could not ignore Lin Sangui. As long as Lin Sangui did not cause him any trouble, he would not mind taking his place and supporting this hard-working man who had worked hard for his children for half his life.

Besides, this era is a very evil feudal society. There is a "mountain of filial piety" pressing down on it, so the "father" Lin Sangui must be pulled into his camp.

Lin Ze's words were a bit harsh, but Lin Sangui still couldn't understand it. After all, breaking up a relationship was a very big deal in this era.

"Brother Ze, what's the matter? Tell dad that you can't break off the relationship. How will others look at you and our family if the news of your breakup spreads? You don't know anything. If your reputation is bad and you can't pass the imperial examination, what will you do? manage......"

Lin Sangui was worried.

Stopping Lin Ze was firstly to protect the Lin family's face, and secondly, it was for the sake of his son. After all, the eldest son had no other strengths except studying. If this road was cut off, how would he survive after the family was separated and no relatives were married?

The saying that a scholar is useless is not unreasonable in certain circumstances.

But the effect of breaking up the family and severing the relationship was different in Chen Shuju's ears. Chen Shuju was absolutely willing to split up the family and sever the relationship when Lin Ze wanted to do so.

"Damn old man, if he wants to separate the family and cut off the family members, he should separate the family members and cut off the family members! This unfilial son will be unlucky if he stays at home. If he is unlucky, he will also affect his family members. Who knows if his strange disease will be contagious? If it affects the second child What should I do if I fail to pass the imperial examination in the future? Points must be scored! It's okay to be divorced!"

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