Chapter 34: Battle of San Marino

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6:27 AM, Palazzo Pubblico, San Marino

Captain Regents of San Marino. Such a title of a nation was humble compared to president of France or the United States. But right now as Salvatore Bollini and Valentina Casadei sat around the meeting table of the palace, they and their secretaries of state listened with dread to the Italian Prime Minister on the phone.

"... you must evacuate the entire nation, your Excellency. There's no telling how much damage this beast can cause exactly. Just know it has already caused a great deal of damage and loss of life up north in Rimini. We just need your permission to let our Armed Forces assist with the evacuation efforts."

The old man with white hair and the middle aged brunette looked at each other. This was their biggest decision they would take as Captain Regents not in just their career, but possibly in a generation. With that, Salvatore spoke. "Prime minister, where exactly can our people head to?"

"The armed forces are placing checkpoints and designating local towns around your nation as evacuation sites, your excellency. We promise we will make sure this evacuation is swift." Giovanni said through the phone. "We will send helicopters over as well to evacuate all of you and your families."

Salvatore looked up around to his ministers. With a nod from Valentina and the others, he adjusted his glasses before he spoke into the phone. "Very well, prime minister. We are allowing your men to evacuate our people... I just have one favour to ask."

"Anything, your excellency."

"... please reserve my helicopter to any of my people who are sick. I do not need one. I will be staying." Salvatore said with closed eyes as Valentina looked up in surprise.

"Huh? Your excellency we can send extra helicopters to help the sick, we have enough to bring you—"

"I have built a life here, and my family is simply waiting for me with God in heaven. I have nothing to lose except the people... I will be staying... This country is my home, prime minister. I won't ever leave it."

"Salvatore..." Valentina looked up with hesitation. "Surely you can't... we need you."

"I will stay here, Valentina. To make sure everyone is truly safe... do me a favour and make sure everyone outside is too, okay?" The old man said with a softer tone to his younger counterpart.

With a gulp, Valentina nodded, "Okay..."

"... Very well, your excellency." Giovanni said through the phone. And with that, the call was dropped for now.

Salvatore then stood up straight, or as straight as he could while he leaned against his cane. He then looked to his ministers as he kept a firm look. "That goes for all of you. Get your families, friends, and every civilian of ours safe, that is our number one priority. I will keep in contact with you all. Go!"

With that the conference room took off in a rush. Salvatore took a deep breath as he checked his phone. Behind the clock which showed 6:24 AM was a wallpaper of Salvatore and a woman of his age.

He had nothing to lose. Now it was time to make sure his people don't lose anyone either. Salvatore stood up and walked out of the room.


Torracia Airfield

The small airfield, meant only for aviation enthusiasts, was absolutely filled with helicopters of all sizes. Chinooks that were filled with soldiers were now being loaded up by refugees of ailing age and health as other helicopters of all sizes littered the dirt runway. From bigger Coast Guard helicopters to smaller ones volunteered by good samaritans, one of the few only groups boarding off the helicopters were composed of a platoon of Italian Army soldiers.

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