Chapter 15: Exodus from Qua-Toyne

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City of Qua-Toyne, Qua-Toyne Principality, 26th of September, 1639

Heavy rain pattered down the roofs of the capital of Qua-Toyne. But instead of families enjoying the day inside, the city remained quiet. Suddenly, the relative silence of rain was interrupted by a loud boom.

Outside the city walls, a mass force of soldiers, wyverns, and cavalry circled the city. The mages and archers of Qua-Toyne stood atop the walls as they tried their best to hold back the significant Lourian force.

In the Prince's Palace deep under, the meeting room was in chaos. In the middle of it all sat a young, blond elf with a crown. Despite his extravagant appearance, the young man looked to have aged a thousand years. As the shouting plagued his brain, he finally snapped and yelled. "EVERYONE QUIET DOWN!!"

And in his command, the room went dead quiet, only being shaken by the muffled sounds of booms outside.

The young high elf then soon stood up. Prince Haluta then leaned against the long meeting table. On it were maps of Qua-Toyne and the cities of their nation. He then spoke. "Panicking is not gonna help in our situation!! Louria is here and they're SLAUGHTERING our men because you all have been screaming about trivial things!"

Even the older generals and grand mages remained quiet. Haluta then continued on. "Our war plans have been fruitless and somehow Louria amassed an even bigger army than we expected. Where they got their resources can only be a matter of debate that is nigh useless right now. So please, let's take a moment to think."

The room stayed quiet. Suddenly another elven being then spoke. "Your majesty... We have called the reserve force all the way from Maihark to come and defend the capital. But I've received reports that the Lourian navy is encircling our coastline."

Haluta looked to him. "What's the response so far, prime minister Kanata?"

Kanata sighed. "Our navy is barely holding them back for now. We've received reports also that some civilians have been evacuating on their own accord by boat. Most heading to the north."

Haluta went wide eyed. "What? Are they crazy? The Parpaldian Empire wouldn't accept our people! Where on Elysia are they even going?"

Port of Maihark

The rain wasn't helping the dampened spirits of the Qua-Toynians crowding on the port. Ships of all kinds from mere fishing boats to trading vessels were being filled to the brim with people.

A port authority figure was then shouting. "Everyone please keep calm! No pushing, no fighting! Women and children are first priority! Men of youth and the elderly are the ones only allowed! Men of battle capability are being asked to join the army! Keep luggage to a minimum!"

Near a cargo vessel, a family of elves was being loaded onto the ship. A mother and her two children as alas the father had to stay behind to fight.

The matriarch Arus held the hand of his young son as in her other arm was a little elven baby crying at the rain hitting her face. She shuddered at the cold as Arus did her best to keep a warming spell on her child.

Kelin held his mother's hand as securely as he could amidst the chaos of the crowd behind them. He could only looked to his baby sister Mera in pity as soon they found a spot to sit down in.

Arus looked to the side. Suddenly the wooden boarding platform wasn't being trampled anymore by a dozen elves. With it being raised by the crew members, sounds of panic from the dock got louder as another ship was about to leave. Arus realised this and sighed shakily. They were just in time.

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