Chapter 3: To Esthirant

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Lanzada, Lombardy Alps, Two Days Before

"Go on, please continue eating." Inside a house in the small village of Lanzada, an odd sight could be seen outside. Tied to a tree were six wyverns feasting on some leftovers on the ground while inside the two story house, the owners of the beasts were eating food inside rather quickly. The wyvern fighters had a look of relief and even pleasure as they ate while on the table was a platter of lasagne that they dug into. Meanwhile some of the fighters drank wine while an old woman attended to them. "Are you all feeling better?"

"So so much better..." One of the younger fighters said before he continued to eat. Despite being wyvern fighters, being from a minor village they were only served somewhat better food than the peasants. Being served something that smelled, looked, and tasted good, the men dug in to the hospitality of the old woman as they ate.

One of the older men who had a bit more elaborate uniform compared to his comrades ate silently as he recalled what happened leading up to here.

They had been flying for hours before they landed near the town. They were to live off the land but when they smelled something amazing, they just couldn't resist.

The wyverns outside proved to be a fright amongst the townspeople and as such, the focus of the fighters on eating were disturbed when they heard a mysterious loud noise. One of them jumped as he looked back to the window. "What was that!?"

"Oh calm down dear, it's just the police." She said with a comforting tone which prevented the fighters from acting harsher in the first place. The old woman stepped out as she saw two dumbfounded officers who stared at the wyverns. "Is everything alright, officers?"

The two gazed at the wyverns, then to the old woman. "Umm... madam.... Where did these uhh dragons come from?"

The old woman looked back inside the house. "Ah you see..."


Palazzo Chigi, 2:42 PM

Giovanni started to regret holding the title of Prime Minister of Italy. It was a busy job for sure but after the so called 'transfer' of the Italian Peninsula to this new world, the man had felt like he had aged a decade. Papers were strewn about in his office as reports of problems all over Italy stacked on top of them.

The government was doing its best to conceal information about the transfer. However he could see even outside his window that the people were beginning to become unrestful. The internet to Italy had been lost and yet pictures of cut off border crossings spread through social media like wildfire. Protests demanded action and information on what exactly was going on and Giovanni couldn't exactly blame them.

The man could not help but lay his head on his desk before the millionth knock of the day came. He simply sat up and cleared his throat, nearly knocking down his empty coffee cup before he called out. "Come in!"

The door opened to a young blonde woman who appeared to be in her late twenties. As she saw the state of the prime minister, she could not help but feel pity for him as she entered. "Prime Minister Canessa? My name is Anna Gasparotto. I'm from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs." She said. In her hands was a file which Giovanni took notice.

"Miss Gasparotto, pleasure to meet you. Many other ministries have visited my office since last night but today's the first time for the Minister of Foreign Affairs... I was initially lead to believe that we were in a somewhat empty world?"

Anna handed the file to Giovanni as she explained. "That's what we believed as well, prime minister however... We have received reports of contact with a nation up north of the Alps. The details are in the file."

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